"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Some fun!

This week has definitely had more of a focus on the girls as they were all sick. But what ELSE did we do?

Jaymeson (joined enthusiastically by his sisters) discovered the goodness of the Ball Popper courtesy of his Granny for his birthday:
Please excuse my daughters outfits. Remember that they had been sick all week previous to this. I wasn't too picky about what they wore....

and he LOVED the new smoothie I have made. My kids decided they didn't like spinach smoothies, but if I add blueberries, strawberries and mango chunks to cover the colour.....they LOVE it! Sneaky, sneaky me! This health shake was one of the only things my kids would eat/drink this week and I can't think of a better way to bring so many nutrients into their body! Little Jaymeson would actually sit up and eat it without looking half dead, so he became the focal point of the camera! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Now if you could only turn off the noise of the ballpopper! And look at that amazing manual dexterity! (From all the practice he's had cramming food into his mouth!)
As for the smoothie: his face looks "messy." (but cute and happy)

Alysha Sladek said...

he is ridiculously CUTE!!! i can't believe how grown up he is!!
sorry to hear you've all been sick. hope it's all gone now and you have a break from it all :)

Alanna said...

Love the SQUEALS of delight when the balls pop! A little painful to the ears, but maybe my computer's volume is just too loud!
Jaymeson...you are ADORABLE...even when it looks like you have mud all over your face!