"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Little Dude!

Well, it has happened, Jaymeson has turned 1 year old. I can't believe it.
at his birthday dinner....

He's supposed to still be my little baby, but he's growing up so fast. This year has been full of such wonderful things that I can't imagine it all fitting into just one year, but it had just gone way too fast. It seems like just the other day that I was given this beautiful little boy. The hernia scare, the month long wait that seemed to take forever before surgery. His first smiles, his sweet personality, were so quick in coming. He has the sweetest disposition. He is very rarely upset...even when he is hurt, he calms himself down very quickly. There has been MANY people comment on what a happy boy he is and I cannot argue. He has brought a vast amount of love into our family. My girls smother him to death every day and he is spoiled with the attention that he is given. It is very strange and wonderful how attached you feel to a baby the second it is born. I feel that there is a very strong bond between a mother and her son and I am SO honored to feel that when I am with my little Jaymeson. I thank my Father in Heaven every day for the wonderful little angels he has given to me. I just can't believe I've had this little one around for a whole year.

To celebrate his birthday, he had his first haircut yesterday. He looks almost bald because he's so blonde, but he is just so grown up I can hardly stand it.

My little dude is talking!! He says, Uh Oh!, MEE-eeeee (with the inflection that his sisters do when I ask them 'who wants ice cream?'), Yeah!, Mama, Dada, Yaia (Kaia), and 'There he is' (sounds more like "de-he-es") when I say, "Where's Jaymeson" and cover his face. He claps when you say YAY!! and sometimes he'll say 'Yay!' too! He also will just randomly say a word that someone else has said. I can't keep track of all the times he's done that, but it happens a LOT! He waves his arm back and forth to say hi or night-night and sometimes he'll say hi too. When you say good-bye, he waves by holding up his hand and closing his fingers. His first word was definitely Yeah! He says it over and over again when you ask him anything. He also loves to just talk in baby language. He will just talk to himself sometimes and it cracks me up!

Jaymeson seems to be taking after his father in the bookworm department. He will NEVER stay still except when I'm holding a book. He comes right over and sits on my lap and doesn't move until the book is done. He loves to turn pages and point at the pictures. He also babbles constantly after I read to him. He's going to be a smart little guy!

True to being a boy, he is ON THE GO! It is very hard to see Jaymeson without seeing him in motion. He crawls as fast as some people run, I'm sure! He will take off in full steam when you say his name and it's actually somewhat difficult to catch up sometimes. He has taken 10 steps (on his Daddy's birthday - 10/10/09) and will be full on walking soon. He mastered going up the stairs when he was barely crawling (about 6 months) and has more recently started turning around to go down the stairs!!

He loves EATING (true to both sides of the family). He loves all kinds of food. He'll eat almost anything you put in front of him, but if you have grapes or cherry tomatoes, he'll start screaming until you give him some. If he's in his highchair and he has food on his tray, he's a happy man!!

Jaymeson could very well be a dentist when he grows up. He loves teeth and mouths. If you are talking when you hold him, watch out! He'll more than likely put his fingers into your mouth and 'discover'. Just like any good Dentist, he likes teeth a LOT, so much that he has already cut 7 teeth and is currently working on #8.

In my family, music is very important, and Jaymeson seems to have a knack for it. I know it sounds crazy to determine this so early, but he really LOVES music. He falls asleep very quickly when classical music is played. He dances and bops to the beat (and he's right on the beat) when there is some music on. He loves watching Kaia practice the Violin and when we are at Kienna's Cello lessons he sits still and watches in awe. He also sings when we're singing (especially at church) and he has a sweet little voice but it has a great quality and I can't wait to see if he has the booming loud incredible voice of his father... We all know he looks like him, perhaps he inherited the lungs too.

I have just loved watching my little boy grow and discover so much this year. It's hard to believe all that can be taught to just a tiny little boy.

(Pictures are birth, 1 month - 12 months as you go down)

Pictures of his Hair Cut yesterday:

Happy Birthday Jaymeson. We sure love you!!


Anonymous said...

TOO CUTE!!! I love you Baby Jay! He's soooo grown up!! I can't believe it's already been a year! Happy Birthday!! :)
-Aunty Kimmy

Bethany said...

Um, golly. Too bad you got such an unhappy baby!!!

When we got down to the one where he's crying while getting his hair cut, I was shocked! It just doesn't seem right! :)

Andrea said...

So fun! Happy birthday little man!! I'm sure he keeps you on your toes, but what a cutie!!

Hayley said...

Happy Birthday Jay! He is getting so big!

Alanna said...

Hapy birthday Jaymeson!
I love the BIG smile he has--you know the one when his mouth is wide open and his eyes just shine! What a cutie!

Oler Family said...

Happy Birthday Jaymeson! The past year has gone by so fast! I love the hair cutting picture!!!

Alysha Sladek said...

I can't believe he's 1! Happy birthday!! He has grown up SO much. what a cutie :)

Anonymous said...

Nah... little Angus is not the spittin' image of his dad any more. He is way cuter than pops. Just think ... soon he will enjoy sweeping the floor, wearing his tu-tu!
I know it's hard to believe that it's already been a whole year but the part that's even harder to believe is that he's an entire year old and he's not looking forward to the birth of his baby sibling yet! ...or is he?!


missLaura said...

such a cute boy! Always smiling.