"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Little Man!

Yesterday my little man wasn't feeling so good. Within 5 minutes he had thrown up all over his car seat, blew out of his diaper and wet on the carpet. I took him upstairs for a bath and before he was clothed again, he had thrown up again. My poor little guy. He had wicked bad gas, but he seems to be doing a lot better today!!

Over all, however, Jaymeson has had a few fun things going on. Yesterday, he took a few steps without ANY help. If you try to get him to walk, he absolutely refuses. But if you leave him be, he'll take a few steps when he feels like it. I WILL get this on video soon.

He is totally talking up a storm...he is waving and kissing and clicking and saying uh-oh and dada and mama and all sorts of goodness. But keeping with his stubborn nature, he will NOT do it in front of the camera. I've tricked him into it a couple of times.


Marvelous Marvel said...

he is so cute!!!

Alanna said...

what a cutie Ash! love the "Ah.....??"...no oh.