"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Angel of Mercy

I have felt that Kaia has been getting SO old and it's been frustrating to realize that I haven't been able to hold her and just love her like I did so much when she was a baby. She's just too busy and she's gone so much of the day now. This week has given me the chance to hold her and snuggle with her and have that bond rebuilt again. I love my little girl.

Although my whole family has been ill, Kaia has been slightly better than everyone else. She has a VERY strong immunity and very rarely gets sick. If she DOES get sick, it's usually a mild version of whatever the rest of us have. This has been a great thing for her, but even moreso for me. She has a great personality that makes her want to help constantly. While I am busy serving up medicine, hydrating my kids, changing diapers, putting on movies, making little meals etc., she is right by my side asking how she can help and is so excited when there is something she can do all by herself. She has done runs to get medicine, thermometers, diapers, changes of clothes, blankets and many other things for me while I have been taking care of one of the other kids. She loves taking care of sick people. She watches how I do things and then mimicks it as soon as another opportunity comes around. She sure would make a great little nurse someday.

She has had such a cheerful little personality through this week (quite a rarity in this house these days) and has given me a sanity break just by wanting to be loved but not whining for it. She has been telling me jokes and asking me questions which has really helped to keep me calmed down and therefore, a better mom.

I don't think she has really realized the full depth of what her help has meant to me, but today she might have seen a glimpse of it. I had just finished the morning run of medicine. I was taking Jaymeson upstairs to change his diaper and get him ready for his nap. He blew through his outfit - again. I was cleaning it out when I realized that he, too, was feeling really warm. I went to my kids room to find the ear thermometer and saw that ALL THREE of the beds had been made. Not just a little bit, but perfectly made. Kaia hadn't said anything to me because she wanted it to be a surprise, but I burst into tears right then and there. She woke up this morning and saw that no one else had made their beds, so she made them, simple as that. Housework has been the bane of my existence this week. I cannot feel sane with a dirty house and it has been VERY hard to keep on top of it. Kaia somehow sensed this and went the extra mile without even being asked. It meant the world to me. It was the love I needed to feel in an overwhelming moment and she had no idea the affect it would have on me. I still can't think about it without tears coming to my eyes.

I know that in frustrating moments, I will always have my sweet, sensitive little girl by my side to help me along. THAT has given me more comfort today than I could ever explain. I am so thankful for the merciful gifts from our Heavenly Father. I know that he always watches over us and gives us what we need. Little silent reminders that we are loved. Today, Kaia was that little Angel of Mercy and I will never, ever forget it.


Brittany said...

Oh, I love Kaia! She is so awesome! You had me tearing up during this post.

Ashley Smith said...


Hayley said...

She is so wonderful. Isn't it weird how now that you are a mother...you have become exactly like our Mother... interesting...(All 6 of us are...its really not that hard to see)...

Kim Hughes said...

What a sweet little girl you have on your hands.

April said...

What an angel she is! Hope you all get feeling better soon!!

Oler Family said...

kaia is such a sweet heart! not only would she make a great nurse but also a great mom!

Alanna said...

Ahhh! So glad you have help! What a doll!

Melanie said...

oh, how I miss snuggling with the older kids too. I love my baby, but the older ones do kind of get lost in the day because they have more independence. i am so glad that she is helping cheerfully.

stone's eye view said...

Dear Kaia. She will love to hear this story as she gets older. I am sorry you are all sick and hope that things will bet better.

PS. Does that note to Hayley ever sound like that rude brother of mine...

Anonymous said...

How nice that Kaia takes after her dad's mom! Lucky you!!