7:00 pm - usher the kids up the stairs (this frequently resembles herding cats)
7:05 - Kaia goes potty, Kienna changes into her pajamas and brushes her teeth, Saryn gets her diaper changed and a nightie on and dances around...Mom reminds everyone what they're doing and does everything including jumping up and down and standing on her head to encourage them to do this in less than half an hour.
7:15 - Switch!! Kienna goes potty, Kaia brushes her teeth and changes into her pajamas and Saryn switches on to her 2nd or 3rd nightie of the evening and continues dancing (even while Mom is trying to brush her teeth and hold the baby at the same time).
7:25 - Mom checks/goes over/flosses everybody's teeth as well as checks hand washing. Then the kids are ushered into their room for prayers (personal and family) as well as stories (getting them into their room doesn't take very long, but getting them to stay there is nigh unto impossible - in fact, I don't think it's ever happened). While reading stories Saryn escapes into Moms room and gets into her miscellaneous drawer. She continues to empty this out while the baby feeds because Saryn knows that Mom can't come and stop her while the baby is eating.
7:40 - Mom makes the rounds to each child tucking them in and giving them kisses. This has recently been extended to about 5 minutes because each child has to hug and kiss (and hopefully snuggle) Jaymeson. Saryn will say, "I wanna snuggle Buddy" and how do you say no to that? So all the girls (except for the one on the top bunk) get to snuggle with him.
7:45 - Lights out (for the first time). Kaia and Kienna stay in bed and wait patiently/fall asleep while Saryn gets in and out of bed, turns on the lights, empties the bookshelf, opens and shuts the closet, climbs on the head of her bed to lift up the curtains and look out her window - well, you get the general idea - for the next half hour. Once she does something that makes a noise, Mom comes in and puts her back to bed (trying very hard not to give her any of the attention she so obviously wants). This happens over and over again over the period of a half hour. After half an hour Mom thinks (foolishly) that Saryn is going to settle down, so she'll go downstairs to deal with the rest of the house. Saryn takes this opportunity to go back into Mom's room and go through that top miscellaneous drawer again. This is where creams, clocks, notes, bracelets, tums, patriarchal blessings, cards, and any other things you would want close to your bed is held. Saryn goes through and empties this out and always finds the worst possible thing she could and squirts it or squishes it or ruins it somehow. Once Mom's bedroom is sufficiently destroyed, Mom hears a sound and goes back to put Saryn in her bed....and stands at the door so that if Saryn makes so much of a peep, she'll be put back to bed.
8:45-9:00 - Saryn finally drifts off to sleep with her sisters. Sigh. Mom is so exhausted, she collapses and somehow has to get back to the rest of the responsibilities of the house so that she doesn't start too far behind on the following morning.
10:00-11:00ish - Mom heads to bed when the baby finally falls asleep, peeks in on her little girls and sees how totally sweet and innocent they look and falls in love with them all over again....just enough to last for one more day!!
Here are some pictures of our new part of the ritual.....snuggling with the baby.
The solution is called: lock on the door. Saryn's dad had to be locked in for his own safety and for mom's sanity.
I recently heard about a product that someone was trying to get funding for that might solve your problem. Bed straps that tie your kid to the bed so they cant roll over or get out or anything.
OK, so that is so illegal and thankfully the business never came about, but you can sure see how this mama was tempted by the idea.
I enjoyed reading that. I am big into routine as well. Your night sounds similar to mine. It is nice to know there are other Moms out there doing the same things that I do. Jaymeson is so cute
Ok, I can't believe how big your little guy is!!! That's crazy! Your bedtime ritual sounds a lot like ours. . . except that my baby can now feed himself! Don't worry, you will get there too!!
All 4 of them are getting so big! This isn't allowed! I am so excited for Christmas!
Yikes, I'm exhausted just reading about it! This makes me glad that Jayna is still in a crib and can't get out and makes me not want to put her in a bed any time soon.
So cute! Bedtime can be rough, but also have the sweetest memories!
awwww too too cute! Sounds crazy... I had the pleasure of dong the old bed time routine plenty of times this summer. I love putting those girlies to bed, even though Saryn is a monkey. But, of course this was before the new edition of baby J! :) I don't know if I could do that all while holding a baby too. haha good thing you have those mom superhero skills kicking in!
i hear ya! sounds kinda like our house at bedtime, only add Liv screaming her head off for 45 minutes to it. although, she can't get out of her crib yet (knock on wood)
Sounds SOOO familiar. Wouldn't it be awesome if it only took them the 5 minutes it takes me to get ready for bed? Cute pictures!
Tempting to say pay back time but you were a sleeper!! You'll have to get Alanna to take care of them over Christmas holidays...she's the one who deserves it!!!
I don't know what Mom's talking about! I'm sure I was angelic! And, actually when the kids went to bed last night I was thinking about how nice it is that they go down so well these days! So there! Maybe the fates were mixed up!
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