"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Poor Little Girl

So, do any of you have one child that just has an extra special gift of being able to pick up any sickness that is going around? As you read my blog, you may have noticed that Kienna seems to be the #1 child that I mention whenever there are accidents or sickness in my home. Today is no different. My kids woke me up at 7am, which is pretty typical. (They've been waking me up recently due to the wonderful sleep I'm getting with a newborn baby - actually last night wasn't too bad, he only woke up 3 times between 11 and 7 - YAY!!) This time, however, Kaia was rubbing Kienna's back and Kienna didn't look happy at all. Kaia went on to explain that Kienna felt hot and her stomach hurt and that she thought she was going to throw up etc. Kienna didn't feel hot at all, but she isn't one to make a fuss out of nothing, so I proceeded with caution. Everyone got dressed, had breakfast and got ready to take Kaia to school. (Kienna got to get away with just putting pants under her nighty and only got to eat a piece of bread). As I was getting breakfast ready for the other girls, sure enough, she threw up. Yikes!! I guess we got it, we finally had the flu hit us. Kienna is, without fail, the first to get sick with any bout of anything that might come through. She just told me, "Mom, I don't think there's anything that will makemy stomach feel better, so I'm just going to lie on the floor until it gets better. Oh no, I guess I won't be able to have dessert tonight, that's not fair..." She's so sweet.

Kienna has always had this special gift. She always finds a way to get hurt, have extra medical conditions or get sick like no one else. Even as a baby, she was my C-Section. At two weeks of age, she was hospitalized and had a spinal tap and everything. It took 12 tries to get an IV going because she was so dehydrated. They finally had to get it going using a scalpal vein, right above her ear. She had so many ear infections before she turned 1, that when she was 13 months old, she had ear tubes put in her ears. She has had her ear brow split open, the back of her head split open (during this event, we decided to crazy glue it back together and Jarett's hand got stuck to her head....after 45 minutes of using nail polish remover, they were detached. It's humorous now that we're looking back on it.),and her chin split open (she bit through her tongue as well this time). She was wrapped up like a hot dog and had 3 stitches in her chin on the last occasion, she still talks about that as though it were a great time. More recently, she has broken her collar bone, had multiple eye infections and has been sick so many times, that she is completely trained to just get up and run to the toilet or use her bucket (which we always keep right under her bed). Sigh - anyway, it's hit again. Not a big deal this time, it's just sad that it's always my sweet little Kienna.


Hayley said...

I'm glad that you are aware that Kienna is special. I've been keeping track of all these events things for her whole life and wondering if you were aware. Glad to know you are. Why is she ALWAYS sick? What a crazy kid. Hope she feels better soon.

Laura Leavitt said...

that is soooo Dallin

Jordana said...

Aaaw, poor Kienna, she's had so many crazy things happen to her already! I hope she's feeling better in time for the primary program on Sunday!

Cindy Anderton said...

How did you possibly decide to have more kids after all of those events?? You are braver than me!

Susie said...

wow quite a list. thats way more than me already. I hope it doesn't last. Hope nobody else gets it.

Alysha Sladek said...

her and austin sound alike in that sense.

April said...

Oh, the poor girl! It's a good thing she has a mom like you to stand by her!

LindsayB said...

oh goodness, poor girl! that is just not fair for her. alli has had a horrible cough for about a week and always says her chest hurts. this morning after a coughing spell she said 'mom i just want it to get better.' so sad.

Anonymous said...

She needs more Goji Juice...

Delcia said...

It's all true but...it makes her sound like a sicko...and I don't think of her that way!