"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cupcake Creations

As you look at these masterpieces, Take a wild guess as to who would have iced them.

Kaia? Kienna? Saryn?

Nope to all.....

It was Jarett and his classmates getting ready for a class assignment. Around 50 cupcakes iced by three guys in about 3 minutes....gotta love the overall effect. Well done!!


Alanna said...

Jarett...what a good job! Really!

Ashley...re-ice them tonight!

Megan C said...

Those cupcakes looked like they were perfectly iced. . . my husband ices cupcakes like that all the time :) However, my question is what sort of class is he taking that he gets to ice cupcakes for a class project????

Ashley Dawn said...

It's Legal History - a second year law course.....wouldn't you have guessed that?

Oler Family said...

Look good enough to eat to me!!! But I wouldn't recommend putting them in a contest!!

Hayley said...

Umm...Jarett is ridiculous...but what else is new...

stone's eye view said...

You've heard the story of Jarett making a cake when he was in grade 6 (give or take), right? Shells in the bowl and eggs on the floor.....

Laura Leavitt said...


Heather said...

I love it! I'm sure it tasted great, and let's face it...that's all the guys really care about! Sorry you're all feeling under the weather. "Strep" is quite the hiss and byword, isn't it? I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Were they swigging tequila at the same time as icing the cupcakes?
Who's the scrawny guy on the right in the pic/

Brittany said...

Jarett! You look so little! You must have lost a lot of weight! That is awesome!

Ashley Smith said...

Bahaha, I love it, besides it is all about the cake part not the icing part right?!?