"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Magic Word

So apparently we have strep.....we shall see when the results come in. Kaia and Kienna have both had high grade fevers for the last couple nights......we went in to the doctor today for a regular check up and he was surprised at how bad their throats were. Sigh. We'll see the results.

I have found, with reference to the word strep, that it's a scary word. When people say the word "strep" red lights start flashing and the world ends. You are no longer in one of those positions where you can just go places. You are confined and are quarantined. People don't mess with strep. I don't blame them.....but I've just noticed this. When you have a fever, people are still willing to have your kids play. The same goes with a cold or with other kinds of sicknesses. They figure that they'll get it anyway......so why not? Strep, however, is a top 5 buzz word from what I've found. Anyway, apparently we'll be staying home for the next few days (or at least until the results come in).


Megan C said...

Oh wow! That sounds like you're going to have a fun time trying to keep 3 sick children inside, with you all of the time. . . . good luck with that!

Becky said...

Oh strep! Wonderful! Hang in there!

Laura Leavitt said...

I hope you guys all getting feeling better soon. That is so crumy to feel like that when you are pregnant.