"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What if... Mommy had a Guilt Trip?

My Brother-in-law introduced the game "What if?" to my kids while we were in Arizona in August (because that's when all the sensible people go to Arizona).

Yesterday, they decided to play it while we were at my moms house.  On one side of a strip of paper, you ask a question that starts with "What if....".  Then you put your question in the middle and have someone else answer it.  After that, you read your question, then the person next to you reads their answer.  You get some funny question/answer combinations as you go around the circle and everyone has a good laugh.

After a couple rounds, I had to go clean the kitchen while the girls kept on playing.  When we were leaving, I found one of the scraps on paper which said, "What if Mommy played with us?"  and on the back, "I would be happy!"

I hate trying to figure out the balance between keeping a clean house and being an actively involved Mom.  How do you find the balance?


Hayley said...

Due to the lack of comments I think that no one has any clear answers. Taking each day at a time and making sure that we spend time on both is important....

Alysha Sladek said...

gotta love moments like that hey? wish I had an answer to the balance. if you figure it out please let me know!!
Love your new header pic. super cute!

Kathy said...

I think that we as women will feel guilty no matter what!!!
Ashley, what you could have inferred from the question and answer was I'm happy WHEN (not if)mom plays with us. Give yourself a break, you are a fabulous mom. If you want a spotless house and to play with your kids all the time, hire a maid, or tell your VT to come over and do it! lol

Alanna said...

Oh, that's terrible for the already naturally occurring guilt of a mother... but needn't to feel it! I mean you home school those kiddos, when most mom's send them off to school. You spent A LOT of time with your kids. You are a GOOD mom!