"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm holding my poor, sweet Jay in my arms and he's crying about how the girls were mean to him.  It's enough to rip anyone's heart out.  I ask him, "Why were the girls mean?"
"Saryn almost screamed at me"

These kinds of moments have been peppering my life recently.  My ALWAYS happy Jaymeson has become a crying, whining mess.  It all started with his ear infection.  He has started to wake up at night and come in to our room crying.  He asks to go to the doctor constantly and is always wanting something to help his ears.  We went to the ENT (luckily I was concerned about his hearing a few months ago and got an appointment for last week).  There was so much fluid in his inner ear that he mentioned to his resident to look for the bubbles too.  He said he'd get Jaymeson in for ear tubes in January.  Luckily, there was a cancelation when his booking agent called and he can get them done right before Christmas.

I sure hope that he has a quick recovery because I sure don't want my sweet little boy to be all grumpy at Christmas.  Does anyone have any advice as to how to keep him happy(er) until then?  I'm starting to feel my fuse being cut in half (over and over again).


missLaura said...

I don't know about how to keep him happy until he has the surgery but when Owen had his tubes in he left to Calgary the next day. Recovery is a snap! Good luck!!

Alanna said...

Oh dear! I'm so sorry he's in so much pain. Don't worry about recovery. When Jarom got them, I remember him having a hard time walking out of the hospital. He stumbled because the drugs hadn't worn off. But by the time we got home he was fine.
When does (did) the surgery happen?