"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kaia: The Perfect Daughter

Sightseeing on the edge of the Grand Canyon!  She has her walkie talkie ready to go!

Yesterday, while I was making lunch, I asked the kids if they could clean up the basement.  When I called them for lunch, they were close to being done and they hadn't whined or complained or tattled or ANYTHING.  I was already counting my blessings.  Then Kaia noticed that the dishwasher needed to be emptied.  Her statement just about knocked my socks off.

"Mom, Can I empty the dishwasher and then go finish cleaning the basement?"

I acquiesced to her request.  She just so sincerely wanted to do it, how could I say no??  Can anyone say "Dream Daughter"?  She really is such a great little girl and always looking for ways to help.  It's how she feels good about herself and she's realized that really young.  I'm so proud of her!!


Alanna said...

Oh, that's awesome. I've decided NOT to mention a situation quite opposite to your dishwasher one I had with one of my children today. sigh. Motherhood has it's ups and downs. Glad yours was an UP! Kaia really is lovely!

Brooklyn Marie Mullen said...

Kaia really is the perfect daughter!