"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nothing like Today

Yesterday, while making dinner, Kienna and I played Scrabble.  It was really fun and she has found a way to really enjoy her spelling.  We actually found a way to use all 100 pieces on the board.  It was kinda thrilling!

Tonight, Jaymeson just came out of his bedroom and said,

"Mom, Benson's not sleeping!"
"Yeah, that's because you're playing with him!"
(pause) "haha, YEAH!" and then he ran back in his room and the squeals of glee and laughter continued at a new high.

It all just seemed to match the random and hilariousness that was today.

We woke up, packed up and headed to Lethbridge to the best Dentist ever (my cousin Justin).  It's really fun to go to the dentist who is someone you have known since you were a baby.  He is SO good with my kids that it's easily worth the two hour drive to see him.  See the smiles of a three year old??

Anyway, nothing exciting there otherwise (which is exciting in and of itself) - well, except for Jaymesons Lightning McQueen toothbrush which he held and talked about the entire remainder of the day. 

After that we went to visit my Granny and Aunty Beryl.  They spoiled us with attention, love and a yummy lunch with treats (of course) and then they had to jet to multiple appointments.  I decided to run over next door and visit with my cousin, Kara who I haven't seen for a long time.  We visited for a while and she reminded me of my book list that I have wanted to read.  I can't wait to get it back and see how much more I have read!!

I had to race home to get back in time to teach Theory, but the ride home really had me in stitches.  There's something special about a car ride with five kids in tow.  You just get to know so much about them (especially when it's 4 hours in one day).  Their little personalities come out so strong and you hear some GREAT thoughts.  My favorite conversation went something like this:

Kaia:  "Mom, I want a po-uppy"
Me:  "Do you mean a poppy? or a puppy?"
Kaia:  "Either one"
Me:  "Okay - there's just a SLIGHT price difference there..."
Then Saryn pipes in:  "I want a pet sting ray!!"

Oh, to live off in fairytale land again.  I wonder what they dream about??


Kamry Low said...

love this post! kids are so funny!

Alanna said...

Oh, how I love to go to Lethbridge and see Gran and Aunty Beryl and Kara and Justin would be an AWESOME dentist!
Love Jaymeson's tattle and Saryn's sting ray! Ha ha!

Brooklyn Marie Mullen said...

I didn't know you went to justin!!! Jealous! Maybe i'll go get my teeth cleaned by him too!!! so cute about Jaymeson!! I would probably get kaia a poppy... If i were you.