"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Great Expectations

Well, I confess.  I joined a book group and was asked to pick the first book.  I was thrilled to be able to pick one of the many classics that I've been aching to read.  Charles Dickens is such an inspired author that I chose one of his masterpieces, "Great Expectations".  This was almost a month ago.  Two weeks ago, I finally got to the store and bought my own copy and brought it home to read.  A few days later, I was able to find the time to OPEN the cover.  Now, I am pushing through it and LOVING it, but I must confess that my "Great Expectations" of being able to read it, absorb it and dig deep have been squashed.  I'm not even half way and I have less than 48 hours to get through the rest of this not-so-easy book (along with the many other things on my "to do").  Well, here's hoping!  But somehow, I really just don't see me living up to my, well, Great Expectations.


Ashley said...

I had to push through the book too and I'm not nearly as busy as you are and I started like 2 days after we picked it! But I did enjoy it! I've never read a Dickens book before so this was definitely a first for me! Good pick!

Alanna said...

Ha ha! Of all the school assignments I remember procrastinating to the end, reading Great Expectations for English 30 is near the top of the list. I remember sitting on the floor, leaning against my bed and reading and reading and reading. I might have done in it 3-4 days. Did you make it?