"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Map Madness

I love maps.  I love figuring them all out and deciphering them.  Most of all, I like to boss people around and they give me an excuse to be in charge (true confessions here).  My kids have picked up the fever.  We're studying maps in school and they have loved this unit.  Today, however, the kids have decided to do a little short cut.  It made me laugh out loud!

Kaia's map was all about gulfs, bays, islands, peninsulas and lakes.  Her questions and answers were something along these lines:

1. Why might a bay be a good place to keep a boat?  Cause it's water.
2. How is a bay like a gulf?  They are both partly surrounded by water.
3. Find Florida on the map on page 286.  What landform is Florida?  Lake
(my thoughts here became, "Kaia, Florida is NOT a lake, PLEASE tell me you know that")
4. How is a peninsula different from an island?  Okeechobee
(Okay... so, apparently Lake Okeechobee is a major landform IN Florida... that's what you were looking at... and somehow you just didn't see question #4??)
5. In what way are a lake and an island similar?  They both are surrounded by something.

Kienna's questions were based on a map of the United States (we got this book in Utah).  She had some ridiculous answers - reminds me a little of what I would do as a kid.

1. Find this symbol on the map __________.  Okay, I found it.
2. Find your state on the map.  What is the capital of your state? We don't have one
3. Find Oregon.  What is its capital?  I don't know.
4. Find Texas.  Wat is its capital?  same.
5. Is Washington, D.C., in the east of west part of the country?  e

So ridiculous.  Those kids make me laugh.


Alanna said...

Glad to know that they're learning that Florida is a Lake! Ha ha!

Brooklyn Marie Mullen said...

I love the Okay I found it!!! hahahahaha