"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Murphy's Law

I feel like my whole morning was run by Murphy today.  You remember Murphy's law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".

If you finally buy a vinyl fitted bed-sheet to stop a bed-wetter from ruining your mattress, she'll be sure to climb up a bunk and wet the bed up there.

If you put your baby down for 5 seconds while stripping the afore mentioned bed, he will charge to the toilet and play in the water (of course taking out some leftover T.P. and sucking on it).

If you find yourself upset about these thing, your baby will scream for about 10 minutes for no reason whatsoever except to make you remember that things COULD be worse.

Slowly your sanity ebbs away and you start to get upset about the stupidest things in the world, "Uh, the laundry basket is still here and hasn't been taken upstairs yet".  "Oh, I have 2 MORE loads to do on top of the 10 I've done in the past 4 days."  "This closet must have magically gotten disorganized last night - along with every other corner in the house".

It is at these moments when you need to step back and remember that there is only ONE thing that can help break Murphy's streak.  CALL YOUR MOM, SPOUSE, FRIEND or SOMEONE who might be able to understand the insanity.  Thank you to my support people today who got my mind somewhere else and made it a happy, upbeat day instead of the utter chaos it was destined to be otherwise!!

Cookie Dough in the Bosch, Brownies in the oven, baby sleeping and kids happily playing now. Absolute Bliss!

Oh, and the girls plowed through their school work like never before today... probably because they could sense that their mom was a little "Fragile"... This most DEFINITELY helped too!


Nikki (and Crew!) said...

I love tales of daily life!

Alanna said...

Oh, the TP from the toilet in the mouth was TOO MUCH! That'd make me freak out... and with these boys, I'm getting pretty tough skin.
Glad your day got better! I definitely know the FRAGILE feeling.