"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Oh, the Madness....

Well, as days go, I was busy and practicing violin with Kaia while finishing up the banana muffins and balancing Jaymeson while guiding Kaia's bow. Kienna was helping Saryn put toothpicks in every single one of the muffins that were cooling (because, apparently, this is necessary) and all was well.
I was so relaxed that I even took a picture of how silly they were to decorate the muffins...
Once that was done, Kienna moved on to cutting out Christmas tags and Saryn and Jaymeson moved to the piano. I was talking to Kaia and as she looked around, her face changed. It was NOT a good change and she panicked. "Saryn, what are you doing???" I looked to my darling little girls, that were in plain view, and realized that Saryn was styling Kienna's hair, but not just playing, CUTTING! Yes, the dreaded day has come. Kienna had cut Saryn's hair! She moved from cutting Christmas tags, to cutting hair. Then it was Saryn's turn with the scissors. Kienna had sense enough to leave some length and only cut once.....Saryn is a completely different story. Luckily there is still length, but there are MANY more cuts. I was LIVID! So livid that I sat them on the steps while I ran for the camera.

I found a sample of the hair (about 4 inches long of golden locks)

Then took pictures of their hair while they were on the steps.

We talked about the consequences of this action and how we were going to have to go to Sister Anderson's house for an emergency hair cut. Oh, thank heaven for hair dressing friends that live only a small field away! I told them that Sister Anderson shaves heads of little girls who cut their own hair. She MIGHT be in a good mood today, but they better hope so! So as we're gathering up to head over, I notice that Kaia is crying. I ask her what is wrong to find out that my sweet little girl is SO sad for her sisters that she is sobbing because she is worried that they will never have hair again. Poor thing didn't know that shaving heads is not a permanent thing. This calmed me down enough to assure her that Sister Anderson was in a great mood this day and that everything would be fine. The only thing that could make this worse, was the 2 feet of snow that fell the previous 24 hours. I had to shovel my way out of my yard after bundling up 4 children for the hike through the field.

Luckily, hair dressing friends can be miracle workers... all is well again and I still have my sanity.

Just a little sad that Kienna had to chop off her locks 2 weeks before she is a flower girl. She looks cute in a bob cut, but she had some gorgeous hair going on before. I was finally starting to do the pig tails and pony tails and braids and being curled....and they were working! Sigh, only another 5 years and I'll be able to do it again.... until then, I'll have to look back at these pictures and remember this day.....


Marilee said...

been there done that with my girls too. it was the bangs and it was not good.

Mackenzie Richards said...

My girls have not discovered this little treat yet, and I dread the day they do!! Although Avery LOVES having long hair, I've cut it once to get rid of all the wispy baby hair, and she was so worried that I was going to cut it all off. Good thing Saryn didn't go TOO crazy, Kienna looks cute with a bob!

Hayley said...

It could definitely be worse. Sad. But not horrible...It just hair. It will grow. And she still has hair for the wedding. If they had to shave her head I would have cried!

Alysha Sladek said...

oh dear!! She looks cute and at least it wasn't in the front. Just go back and look at Ella's right-before-Christmas haircut!! So sorry!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's all your fault. After all, you're the mom...

Alanna said...

Whew! I was REALLY scared when Dustin said there was a "cut their own hair" post...and I wasn't even thinking about the wedding. You better thank Hayley for getting married or else I'm not sure you would have been so "blessed" with that good looking of haircuts after the ordeal! Rarely can they look that cute afterward. Whew!

Ariana said...

That's not nearly as bad as it could be...when I was around that age I decided I didn't want bangs anymore and I thought you could just cut them off...this was right before school pictures so I'll have the evidence forever! Kienna looks cute with a bob!