"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cahoon Art!

We LOVE Sundays, but one of my favorite things is the "art" that they bring home from church.

Kienna's last week had me in stitches:

Kaia's this week:

Saryn's additions to Kaia's this week:

Saryn's rainbow on the back of Kaia's art this week:

Evidence of Saryn's new love of drawing rainbows on my couch (I'm fairly certain that there's a path leading up to the rainbow):

In fact Saryn just LOVES rainbows. Today the sun was hitting the peep hole at the right angle and was making a rainbow on the door. It does this every day, but she was particularly excited about it today. She runs upstairs and says,
"Mom, come now!! There's a rainbow on the door!!"
"Okay, just a second...."
"No, (choking up) it might leave. You'd miss it!! (fighting back tears) You have to come RIGHT NOW!!"


Hayley said...

For a little while this semester we would get a rainbow like that. They are so cool! I had never noticed before. Saryn is very observant.

Kimberly Anne said...

Rainbows... I was just upstiars and Kaia showed me a rainbow that she drew in a book that she's writing. She pointed out to me that it was in the right order... ROYGBIV!! what a clever girl!