"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Friday, August 8, 2014


I love watching babies sleep.  They're so peaceful and sweet.  This morning I was watching Lanaya and she kept smiling in her sleep.  Just sweet little grins as she started to wake up.  It warms a mother's heart.

Last night I went to a baby shower and so Jarett fed the kids alone.  Kienna burped and Kaia told her not to do so.  Kienna responded, "Why not?  It's just Dad!"

Yesterday morning, we had poached eggs for breakfast.  It was lovely.  Not just because we love a good poached egg on toast with a little cheese, but it was great to sit down as a family and have breakfast.  I might have to do that more often!

Benson got up today with his old
Baby blanket in hand.  I wrapped it around him "like a baby" (his favorite) and got to snuggle him for a bit.  He told me that he saw my bed was made and then continued to talk and talk about it.  It was so funny.  "Mom, you made it a mess because it was night time.  Then you made it again.  You make it every day.  Jaymeson and I try our best.  We make it a mess at night and then we remake it, but we just try our best.  And the sometimes you have to help us.  But we just have to try our best."

Jaymeson lost his first tooth!!  He was so excited because all he wanted was a nickle so he could have a whole dollar.  He was 95 cents, so that's all he could dream of.  Being the sweet boy that he is, however, he got a nickle before it fell out and then upped his requirements to a "real golden dollar" (aka a loonie).  Luckily the tooth fairy knew this and brought him a loonie AND a toonie - on he same night that he lost it (despite his sisters warnings to not get his hopes up too high because we have a forgetful tooth fairy in our house...)

My kids frequently "draw" pictures on Jarett's back and see if he can guess what they are.  He has guessed correctly once (Jaymeson drew a house).  Not the best at the game.  The kids frequently get exasperated with him saying, "Dad!!  It's a flower!" Or whatever it is.  Just the other night Benson (age 3) was drawing on his back.  Jarett starts guessing the random things he always does (a cow on the moon kind of things).  Benson says (with many hand movements), "Dad, I drew a person... With a big head... It's Mommy!"

Jarett and the girls are doing a triathlon tomorrow.  I'm really proud of them.  I was hoping to do one too, but Jarett has told me that I need to be able to stay awake at night for more than 15 minutes before I'm allowed to do any triathlons.  Fair enough.  Babies are exhausting.  I suppose next year is a more intelligent time to do it.

Jaymeson has been begging me to play "LIFE" with him.  He won by a landslide.  After each turn he would say, "I'm rich mom, am I?"  "I'm good at this, am I?"  Might have to work on grammar AND vanity...  (He just listed all his Pokemon to me and then asked, "I have a lot of Pokemon, do I?"  I guess grammar will come first.)

1 comment:

Alanna said...

You must have the same tooth fairy we do--she's SOOO forgetful!
Good luck with staying awake!