"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Aunty Beryl

We are so lucky because we have an Aunty Beryl! We have always been so lucky to have her.  My kids know that when she is coming there are treats involved. They have learned from her, they love her, and they look up to her.  In fact, she's so amazing, we named Kienna after her!  

This last week alone, she and my Gran came up for my sisters homecoming.    Together they mended clothing, sewed scripture bags for my girls and taught Kaia to crochet flowers in just one day!! 

Today I was putting the kids to bed and Jaymeson told me that he wishes Aunty Beryl was still here because she is so awesome and she loves us so much.  He knows this because of everything she does for us!  Benson knows that she is awesome because "if she did a dance party, she would do a double backflip!"  That's pretty amazing for a woman in her mid-70's.  She might be my "great aunt" by definition, but she's a fantastic aunt by all accounts!

1 comment:

Alanna said...

I should have put this in the book Ash! Too bad I sent it off last night. ARGH!
I'd LOVE to see Aunty Beryl do a backflip, by the way! Though Benson's totally right--she figuratively does them all the time.