"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Colour On Cowboy!

I am currently watching 7 kids (my five and Hayley's two) and you wouldn't believe there was even one in the house if you called. After a rather chaotic lunch, both the two year olds were out down for naps. Both needed to be 'nuggled separately and Macy had a hard time going down without her mommy. Meanwhile, Lola (5 months) was fed up and wanted to be held by a grown up. Kaia and Kienna were taking turns holding her and did a great job, but after about 20 minutes, she lost it. Of course, Benson had ALMOST fallen asleep as Macy screamed for me. Once I got him settled and in to Macy's room, Lola lost it.

(Pause - I would like to thank Heaven for never sending me twins, no matter how cool it would have been. And if like all mothers of twins to know that I think they're amazing!! - unpause)

So after getting the three babies asleep, I go to check on Jaymeson after leaving him in his room with Benson (on the off chance that he'd fall asleep too) and he was all dressed up in cowboy gear. Immediately he ran downstairs, grabbed a piece of paper and said he's going to colour some paper for a paper airplane. It even adds to the silence.  My thought - "Colour on, Cowboy!!"

Isn't he adorable?!?

Anyway, I'm going to enjoy the silence! The girls are working on school work and we are only speaking in hushed whispers now. I might even get something done!!


Alanna said...

That's a darling picture--but isn't every picture of Jay? But LOVE the cowboy getup. And I totally agree with your twin analysis.

Brittany said...

I like his cowboy getup as well. I would also have to agree with the twin thing... that would be super crazy.