"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Car Party!

The girls slept over at my moms last night, so I told the boys we could go have a boys party.  Jaymeson insisted that it should be a cars party.  "Mom, we would watch Cars 2 and eat pizza and have popcorn - in our pajamas!!"

Sigh, I just can't refuse that level of excitement.  So Cars Party it was (except we couldn't find Cars 2, so we watched Kung-fu Panda instead).

This was at a scary part - so Jaymeson was protecting Benson


stone's eye view said...

We will need to do a cars party with all the boy cousins sometime. They would love it!

Ashley Dawn said...

Sounds like a plan Sach!!

Beryl Shoekel said...

How fun Ash! They look adorable, these are special times always to be remembered fondly by them and you.
Love you all!
Aunty Beryl

Alanna said...

Ahhh... that's just cute... love the protecting big bro!