"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Zoo Pictures (see below post)

 One of the times we went, our cousins, Jasper and Kindred, came along.  We had so much fun learning and teaching them some of the things we had learned on other trips!

Possibly the cutest Grizzly in the world...

 We got to the Penguins right at feeding time.  SO amazing!  They were right up in your face.

 Jaymeson defended us through the entire dinosaur park.  This is him shooting a bow and arrow at a Triceratops.

Of course, we're always pretty tuckered out at the end.


Beryl Shoekel said...

Wonderful to see these pictures and read about all the fun things you do together.

Alanna said...

ha ha--love the last pic and
DEFINITELY the cutest grizzly around (what's with the probably?)