"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Month of June (and the end of May) in 5 minutes or less.

This month has been anything but dull, but compared to the craziness of packing and moving, it has been a relaxing paradise!  My kids finished up their curriculum and met with the facilitator at the end of May, so we have been having "The Month of Field Trips".  We have gone to the Science Center, Heritage Park and the Zoo multiple times.  We've gone on walks, learned how to ride bikes, had a Wiener Roast in Fish Creek Park and learned about nature.  We had a Celtic Feast to close our Social Studies group, got our eyes checked, and caught a Matinee at the cheap theatres (Mirror Mirror).  We went out to Spruce Meadows and got to pet a few horses (our favorite was named Catalina).  We've had play dates with cousins and friends, earned money, started going to a new ward and met new friends, did a bazillion doctors appointments (gotta get caught up when you have a built-in babysitter) and just hung out!

Now, realizing that there's still over a week until the end of June, I am re-capping the month simply because we get POSSESSION OF OUR HOUSE on Monday and I will be spending the following week doing pretty much nothing but sanding, taping and painting... then moving.  It has been a crazy fun month and I'm so excited that I've been able to have this down time before the craziness of summer holidays sets in.  Either way, I know I won't be able to blog for a little while, so I'm going to add some pictures of the fun we've had in a couple new posts.

But, at the end of May, we also got to go to Lethbridge and celebrate my Granny turning 85.  I'll throw those pictures now!

@ Henderson Lake

@ the Birthday Party "Happy 85th Gran, hope you like the Dandelions that my kids picked for you!"

(17 out of 34 Great Grandkids)

My cousin, Justin, became my kids hero when he brought over his girls quad and let them ride it.

He became even more loved when he took them down into the Coulee on his big quad!!  It's so awesome that my Uncle has this all in his back yard.  Makes the traveling much easier!


Beryl Shoekel said...

This was such a fun day Ash and wonderful to have you all to share it with us. The pictures of your children are so good, you all are so photogenic. Hard to believe that this was almost two months ago. Time flies!

Alanna said...

Ash, first... you look gorgeous in that pic with Benson.

Second...Do you know how much posts like this KILL me? "riding around Uncle Vernons coulee and going to Waterton Lake"... how fun, except that we can't hang out in Lethbridge. boo hoo hoo. poor me. "All my kids with grandpa that they get to see all the time". feeling really jealous. "17/34 great-grandkids" which means 17/34 AREN'T there (5 of which are mine). I start trying to figure out, once again, how I can possibly get back there, but to no avail. I'm stuck. Seriously it KILLs me.