"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Favorite Moments

It's another Jaymeson moment, but it really just shows how sweet he is.  He has been carrying around a piece of paper for about 2 weeks with a picture of the bedroom he wants.  It's all cowboy themed with red and brown walls.

This picture is the exact one he's been carrying around.  It was from a Benjamin Moore idea book.

He carries it around everywhere.  He LOVES this picture.  So, how can I refuse painting his room like that.  I asked permission to take the picture to the paint store to pick out the colors.  When I got back, he was almost crying because he didn't see the picture in my hand.  When I said he had it, he had a huge smile burst out across his face and was so excited.

Needless to say, one of the rooms we've been painting was for him.  I seriously haven't been that excited to do something for someone for a long time.

Today, he saw the room.

I sent him upstairs and told him to look at it.  It's not decorated or anything.  Just the walls are painted red and brown like the picture.  I wasn't expecting a big response at all, but what I heard was, "WOW!!  This is SO cool!! (pause) I need to go thank my Mom!! (runs to the top of the stairs)  Mom, THANK YOU!!"

This is, of course, while he's in the midst of helping all the men unload a truckload of stuff.  One time he brought something into the house and he paused as he came into the house.  He said, "Oh, I gotta take off my shoes to go inside".  I said, "Oh Jay, you're so good!"  As he ran in the house, he answered, "Yeah, I'm following Jesus!"

He TOTALLY made my day twice today!


Janelle Locking said...

thats soo cute!

Alanna said...

He is a cutie! It's a cute room too, btw. Mom guided me to the pic online!

Alysha Sladek said...

what a sweet boy! that's awesome. now you have to post pictures of his room!

Brittany said...

he is so cute... can you add the picture of the room to the blog?