"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Thoughts on this week

What a week!!  It has been nothing but painting and doctors all week long, but BOY does it feel good to have it all done.  I am having a brief break while the last wall gets dry enough to do a second coat, but we WILL have essentially painted our whole house in 4 days!!

On Tuesday morning, I headed over to the new house to start things up and I got a call from my Doctor to come in ASAP, preferably by 1pm.  This is odd, as usually it is next to impossible to get in with her at all.  As I hadn't quite started painting, I thought I'd just head over.

I had hurt my foot in February at Grandpa's Funeral and I had assumed it was a really bad sprain as it if STILL really hurting me.  I had a set of x-rays done, but they were negative.  After 4 and a half months, I talked to MY doctor (instead of a walk-in) and she sent me to do a bone scan.  To my surprise, she got the results from the bone scan and I have two occult fractures in my right foot (meaning they are too small to detect on x-ray).  One is in the Tibia and the other in the Talus.  Essentially, I have been complaining of a sore foot from a sprained ankle since for FIVE months and trying to push through the pain to build up the muscles and get it back to full health... but ACTUALLY every step I've been taking has been re-breaking these bones (as they carry the full weight of your body while standing and walking).  FABULOUS!

So, my doctor put me in an air cast and said she's going to get me a CT Scan and in to see a Orthopedic Surgeon to look at the break and decide what kind of cast I need (whether I can put weight on the foot with a cast, or none at all.  Not overly excited about that... but at least it will fix the problem.  I just wish it wasn't while I was painting, moving and going camping.  Sitting lakeside with your leg in a cast just doesn't sound like a fantastic time.

While waiting to hear from the Surgeon to find out when to go in to the "cast clinic", I've been painting my house, and preparing for the move.  Not overly simple, but with the help of my Superwoman Sister-in-law, Manya, it's possible!  I can't thank her enough for practically doing it all.  The men have been coming after work, but she's been by my side all day long (and driving me around - as that's out too now).

So, today, I heard from the "Cast Clinic".  It will only take me until July 25th to get in and have an Orthopedic Surgeon's opinion on the whole matter.  A whole month?  Isn't that a little ridiculous?  I guess I'll be hobbling around on this air-cast for a month before I get to go see a surgeon to decide whether it's causing more damage or not.  Oh well.  At least I get to go swimming at the lake, right?


Alanna said...

I sympathize with your pain, but I still think it's ridiculous that you break your bone and it takes almost 6 months to really get it fixed--pathetic! I feel for you.

Brittany said...

I am excited to see your house! I am sorry you are in so much pain!