"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Two Quick Things

Last night Saryn decided that she didn't like her name.  I said, "Okay... um, what would you like your name to be?"  Pause... um, Diana?!?  Okay, sure.   Normally I would react and tell her how I picked her name special for her and she should like it - or else!  But I, for some reason or another, decided to just say, "Okay, you're Diana now".   So, three Diana's later.... "Mom, I just want to be Saryn, OKAY?"  Done!  Simple, effective and done!  Glad that turned out the way it did - it could've been awkward otherwise.

Jaymeson has started to tell the BEST knock knock joke...

Knock, knock...

Who's there?


Jaymeson who?

Jaymeson Corbay (supposed to be Lervae, but close enough) Cahoon!

We're so proud of our little comedian.  Seems like we have another "type A" in our family.  Things are as they are, so why mess with it, right?  Jaymeson certainly agrees!


Alysha Sladek said...

hahah i love their jokes. and it's even funnier 'cause they think they're hilarious!

Marilee said...

All your updates are fun and so glad that this surgery went so well.

You lead a busy life, yes you do.

We had a little get together at George and Marcia's the other night and commented on how Jameyson's middle name was Lervae. Joyce and Lervae's name's pop up every once as middle names. It's fun.

Brittany said...

He is such a cute little guy! Saryn wanting her name to be different reminds me of Kim wanting to be different Disney princesses. "I'm not Kim I'm princess Jasmine"

Alanna said...

Ha ha! Sounds like a stroke of parental genius! I actually think she looks like a Diana--maybe I'll call her that. Does she Diana was a princess? If not, you better not tell... or else she might stick with it :D