"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Here it is... my ketchup post

You'd think that writing "ketchup" instead of "catch up" would be because of some great pun: some ridiculous ketchup fiasco or some burger type post.  Well, I guess I can say that you'll at least be surprised.  I guess I'm like my Dad and I can crack myself up over a good pun (or even a not so good pun).  Regardless... *ahem*.  Here are some randoms of things that go around in our house (randoms would exclude things like Christmas, New Years, Surgery and others) so that you can "ketchup" with our lives.

The boys have loved this toy that Aunty Lella gave Benson for Christmas.  Benson has even learned how to make his own towers to knock down after knocking down so many that Jay or the Girls have built for him.

Jaymeson has fallen in love with Marble Works.  This has been over the past year, really, but he has collected his own now and he will drag anyone into playing them with him so he can have the best tower ever.  This one was my personal favorite as it has two different paths that cross over each other.  I was kinda proud of it, so I took a picture (I'm so vain).

Benson and Macy have been having their personalities develop.  We find this to be good and bad.  This would be on one of those bad times.  They both really wanted those blocks.  They sure loved knocking them over and off of the table though.  They're so much fun to watch.  It's as close as I'll ever have to having twins and it can be mighty fun.  (Plus I don't have to do the night times with twins).

Jaymeson had graduated from diapers for a time (and will return to underwear shortly - PLEASE?!?), so we made a car out of his cardboard box.  It included a key to put in the ignition, a specialized license plate - the works!!  Although his face isn't overly convincing that he has LOVED this car to death, you can get an idea of how well used it was by this one:  (please note the addition of the racing stripes and the duct tape on the steering wheel - which is a total upgrade!)

Kaia played the violin in Sacrament Meeting on Christmas Day.  She played Silent Night and she did a FABULOUS job.  She really practiced hard... as seen by this shot on my birthday!  *Thus the ribbons in the hair*

We also went to see the nativity at Heritage Park.  They do a great job of that every year.  It was especially fun to see an old friend in it!  My kids were really taken with the sheep at the end.

Well, that catches us up for now (minus some big things that deserve their own post).  I hope to catch up with the big stuff soon and stop having to sift through the littler events in our lives... you know, like Hayley getting braces  :)


Alanna said...

I love that you're a mom of boys and get excited about criss-crossing tracks... story of my life. That race car is adorable. So fun! Good luck returning to underwear.

Alanna said...

OH wow....that is a special picture...especially because my braces are the color of my teeth and only on the bottom so it does not show that I got braces at all....oh well....

Brittany said...

haha... Hayley, did you post that as Alanna? I keep laughing when I see that picture. You are beautiful, it is just a little strange of a picture