"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year, A New Day... and of course some goals.

Over Christmas, many wonderful things happened!  One thing that is on my mind today though, is a book that Sachie (my SIL) gave to us.  She researched the Cahoon family history and got pictures and stories and put it into a book for each child in the family.  Kaia's already set a goal to memorize the family tree and read through the book.  I have been so moved by a few of the stories of Jarett's ancestors that it has brought tears to my eyes.  What a great legacy of faith this family has.

While reading this book, I realized that while I sometimes blog to vent, and I sometimes blog to see what people think, the main reason I started all this was to make a record to look back on and enjoy.  I really hope to make my blog into a book one day and have each of my kids be able to read what I wrote about them as kids.  This is a wonderful way to scan back and see the world from my eyes in years to come.  How nice it will be to have a record, complete with pictures for me, my kids, my grandkids and so on.  I have made a goal this year to blog at least once a week (along with a few others).  Please pester me if I'm lagging behind!!  Please get on my case, because I LOVE looking back, but sometimes life catches up and I forget.

Happy New Year one and all.  May we have good attitudes, believe in ourselves and have the courage to attain our goals this year.  (The ABC's that came from President Monson this year in the Ensign).

As an afterthought - The funny thing is that I don't usually make New Years Resolutions.  I don't really "do" the goal thing.  I just take things a day at a time and try to improve.  Can't say I do it, but I try.  This year, I wrote it all down.  I need to be focused.  This year is going to be a major turning point in my life and I'm going to change who I am for the better.  I NEED this time to push myself and become a better person. I'm so excited for this year and I truly hope and pray that goal making has a lot of follow through for me. 

I'd love to hear from you and find out what some of the goals you're making are!


Marilee said...

What a perfect gift for your kids and family to have from Sachie. I would love to see it one of these days. I have been reading a lot about my side and the Cahoon side and what stories there are! I love reading them and getting to know so many cool people.

Alanna said...

Alanna here "on your case"... it's been a week! You have til the end of today! :D
No but really! Way to go! You're already awesome so I can't wait to meet an even improved you. I love making goals... but reaching them is so much better (& unfortunately harder) than making them. Good luck!

I have all sorts of goals... food storage, teaching my kids and then all those ones that I'm postponing til after the baby like exercise.