"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My House this Week

It's been a party.  It started with Kienna (as it always does) and has spread like wild fire.  I think this pictures sums it up:

Fevers of 104, croupy coughs, throwing up, headaches, dizziness.... somehow Saryn has escaped the madness, we'll keep our fingers crossed.  Benson has scared me a few times, but we seem to be heading towards recovery...


Alysha Sladek said...

wow, you're on a roll!!
Sorry you guys have been sick. NO FUN!! Hope things settle down really soon.

love that benson has a little cousin the same age. that's so fun!

Alanna said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry. We ARE out of touch... I shouldn't learn such news from your blog. Great Sad pic to sum it up!!!

stone's eye view said...

Sorry Ash. Hope it is as quick as it is contagious.

Brittany said...

Oh, I hope you guys get feeling better. That picture does say it all doesn't it?

Kimberly Anne said...

hahaha I LOVE that picture. I'm sorry they were all so miserable... but you gotta admit! Great shot to display it. It's kinda hilarious cause a picture truly does say a thousand words. So glad you guys are all better now :)

Beryl Shoekel said...

So sorry you had such a difficult time with everyone sick love, but I am glad to hear that things are looking better for you all.
Take care! We all love you tons!

Unknown said...

There's something so sad about this picture but at the same time also darling at the same time. Yucky time!