"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Lot Like Dad

I think that it's easier to see your husband in your kids than yourself, on Thursday this was VERY much the case.  I had been cleaning the bathrooms and rotating laundry while the kids had some quiet time.  This is how I found them.

Just sitting on my bed, Saryn on Kaia's DSi, Jaymeson on my iTouch.

 Benson was in his bassinet right next to them - of course, when he woke up, Jaymeson had to say hi.  (Jaymeson says hi to Benson over and over again until I take Bensons hand and wave back saying, "Hi Jay!")

Yep, my kids, like their father, LOVE their electronics.  In fact, Jaymeson has been walking around the house holding this "Poke-Walker" repeating over and over again, "So Cool!!"

Now, not only has Jarett's love of  "cool" electronics been passed on, but his way of relaxing.  Very few of you could fully appreciate these pictures without further explaining, but Jarett actually sleeps with his legs like this...

It really is fun to see the random things that come up.  I still can't believe how much all of my kids lie down like this.  What will I see next?


Brittany said...

Can I just take a second to tell you how excited I was to come to your blog and see four new blog posts! You are on a roll! I remember you saying something about how Kaia slept like Jarett when she was just young. It is funny that they seem to have all picked it up. :)

Anonymous said...

Your family should take part in a scientific study on cloning.

Jordana said...

Haha, that's funny that they all do it too. I sleep in some pretty weird positions myself and Jayna seems to be following in my footsteps. I hope you guys are all starting to feel better.

Kimberly Anne said...

haha soooo cute!! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess! Fun stuff!

Beryl Shoekel said...

Interesting how children do mirror what they see around them. Love the pictures.
As far as the electronics are concerned, it blows me away how much little children know about them, they could all teach me something.
Love you all!

Alanna said...

First I just have to say that I love that palm leaf blanket on Benson. Where did you get that?

And too funny about the Jarett leg thing. Wasn't Kaia doing that in your ultrasound for her?