I just finished Little Women (which I LOVED - it has such great lessons to learn from it) and I am now thoroughly enjoying Pride and Prejudice. This book is found around the house everywhere. I can't go anywhere without it.
Kaia, Kienna and Saryn are all enjoying a chapter or so of Little House in the Big Woods (the first of the Little House on the Prairie series). As their cousins are all VERY big fans of the show and the books, we have jumped on the bandwagon and the kids love it!! (Saryn actually sits still to listen to it).
Saryn loves looking through books constantly. This one happens to be a hymnbook with pictures in it, but she tells me the story in it and she loves learning the stories behind the pictures. It's been a really great teaching opportunity.
Even little Jaymeson has caught the reading bug. He's a BUSY BUSY boy and does not even come close to sitting still, unless he's on my lap and I am reading him a story. He LOVES books. He loves turning the pages and seeing pictures and hearing the sounds of the words. He's even mimicking words and talking quite a bit (in baby talk). He hits the pictures with excitement. All he needs now is to be lying down with his foot up on his opposite knee and he really would be a clone of his father...
Anyway, that's just a little bit of what is going on around here.
HOORAY for books!
HOORAY for books!
That is so awesome. I really hope my kids end up the same way. I read all the little house books when I was younger, I hope your girls love them.
I love this post. what a wonderful bug to catch
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