"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Truly Magical Future

Kienna did a sleep study last Monday (we don't know the results yet), but as we were walking into the hospital she stopped me and said,

"Mom, I'm really going to miss you when I grow up...Because I'm going to live at
"Where in Disneyland?"
"Right beside the Castle"
"Not IN the castle?"
"Nope, just beside it."

Anxious to know all my girls plans, I turned to Saryn..... And where are YOU going to live?

I'm going to have a lot of fun visiting my kids when they grow up......

where did YOU think you'd live when you grew up??


Melanie said...

I already think that I live at the zoo - hey we should get together sometime this summer since you are here for a bit.

Jolanda said...

That is so cute. I love how little kids minds work.

I always thought I would live in Hawaii, own a chocolate factory and have twins. At least I got one of those.

Dustin said...
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Marilee said...

Never really thought about that growing up, funny. BUT I never thought I would live in Leavitt when we got maried almost 28 years ago. I love Jolnda's comment, live in Hawaii, check, have twins, I am a twin, check-ish, and own a chocolate facotry. I have visited the Hershey factory in Ca and yah, I could go for that too!

Your kids come up with the cutest things.

Alysha Sladek said...

hahahha that's too cute. how did the sleep study go?

Brittany said...

You should ask Kaia and keep us posted

Heather said...

That is so cute. I'll have to ask my kids that same question. I love that is just randomly came out for Kienna.