"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Busy, but good.....

That's about all I can say to describe the goings on of this past week. Jarett's been in finals, so I'm doing the single mom thing. He's around just long enough to add more work load, but not enough to help out. Sigh. Anyway, we've been keeping busy. Some highlights......

Jaymeson has started to comfort himself by sucking his thumb. This is good and bad. Good because he can soothe himself (which he hasn't taken advantage of too much yet) and bad because it's addictive and its hard to wean him from.....and it ruins his mouth yadda yadda yadda..... but he looks SO cute.

We made Easter eggs. I actually did them on the Tuesday after Easter, but we got there. The kids did 2 each.
Saryn did 2 eggs that got super cracked, but I got to draw with the "magic crayon" and it made her happy.

Kienna wrote her name on one and Mom on the other. She's SO sweet.

Kaia is getting SO creative. She did the half and half dipped eggs with her own colouring on each.

To prove I was there, I took a picture which turned out SO wonderfully. I'm trying to get in on this Project 52, but so far my luck has been limited. Anyway, here's my meager attempt.

We have a winner!!
Kaia finally won her Ariel lego set (see previous post) and she is the first one to finish the goals set for her. Awesome, isn't it? It only took a little over 4 weeks to get there.....but she did it!! And I'm SO PROUD OF HER!!!

Now, a very favorite activity in this house is colouring/drawing/crafting.....whatever you want to call it. I finally decided to take the opportunity to take some pictures. These are just some precious memories that I will never/could never forget. Thought I'd share some.

Kaia has been working on a play recently. It is titled "Ariel" and here she is creating a Welcome poster for the audience. She has now written the story line and is working on the script. She is WAY ahead of her time.
Kienna it writing everything backwards. You can see the
"ymmoM oT"
across the bottom of the page. She's SO excited to be able to write though, so she's been doing it whenever she can.

My little Saryn coloring. This is SO her. She is so funny.

I was able to go out with a few friends last night. It was awesome. There's nothing like a girls night out!! We went to Tony Roma's and had some great ribs, salads, bruscetta etc.

Today was a wonderfully warm day. I took the opportunity to clean out our backyard and have the kids play for a while. It was Jaymeson's first day out in the sun. The girls loved pulling eachother in a wagon and playing with some balls in the field behind the house. It was great. Half way through the raking, the missionaries popped by. Of course, they decided to help by finishing it up. What wonderful people!! Anyway, some fun snapshots of the kids!!

Oh, and their glasses remind me that earlier this week we also braved the West Edmonton Mall. It was horrid. I would advise anyone conisdering taking 4 kids to the mall by themselves against it. Although, I did find some great deals....thus the cute glasses. Anyway, that should catch you up on my week. This is what consists of "normal" around our house. Just thought I'd put it out there!


Kim Hughes said...

I secretly wished Henry would suck his thumb because it looks so adorable. I was also trying to force him to love this one teddy bear "more than life itself" because I think it looks so cute....but of course, nothing's working. He actually pushes this teddy bear away.

Hayley said...

I like normal life with the Cahoon's. Its happy! ha. Jay is so big!

Anonymous said...

can i just say how much i love the sunglasses picture!

Oler Family said...

I love the sun glasses! It always makes me smile when I see kids in them! I love the thumb sucking picture...that is so sweet!

Alanna said...

What to comment on...you covered so much. I'm so glad you had the satisfaction of awarding Kaia... when they FINALLY achieve a goal YOU set, it makes you feel like YOU'RE accomplishing something, doesn't it?
Cute thumb, cute sunglasses (I was thinking "wow, she gets one nice day and she's worried about her kids being blinded by the sun!" But then seeing as you just bought them...I get it!
I love that Kaia's working on a play...amazing! And I love the Saryn drawing on her back pic.
Wow! Have I commented on everything yet? Not quite...but I think I'm done.

Elizabeth Cranmer said...

Love the sunglasses, Love the colouring and the 'play' even more!

Sounds like your doing one heck of a job raising those kids! I hope I do 4 half as well!

See you soon I hope!

Alysha Sladek said...

I'm sooooooo sad I couldn't make it out with you girls!! That would've been SOOOO much fun! boo for me :( darn exams! oh well. looks like you had fun. cute pictures! ella reads everything backwards. sometimes i think she's dislexic (sp?) but maybe it's just a phase...

Heather said...

Yay Kaia!!! Congrats on getting your lego set! Way to go. I love that the girls are putting together a play in their play time. So creative and quite cute.

Becky said...

Cutie post! I love the coloring and the eggs!!! That looks a lot like my house!
We have that Ariel set! The girls ADORE it!!!
Don't stress tons about the thumb sucking. You have plenty of time before it's a major concern. A large majority of kids stop sucking their thumbs on their own! It's ok. (My M sucks her thumb and we asked the doctor all about it.) Don't worry!

Sheila said...

SOunds like you have been busy busy busy.
I wondered if one of your elders is Elder Taylor from Utah. One of our elders that just left here is serving in the Southgate ward...is that yours?
Keep up the fun.. you inspire me.

Camilla said...

WOW WOW and WOW again. Ashley, you're amazing! You've got much on your plate and you're doing so well. Your family is ADORABLE!!! West Ed with four kids... Are you crazy? You did have a double stroller, yes? But the sunglasses are perfectly stylin'. Oddly enough, I had my inlaws here to help in my exams week, help in keeping both my husband and girls entertained. Good for you for keeping so busy. YAY for girls nights out. Those are my claim to sanity. Your girls have your smile! Don't worry about the thumb sucking thing ruining his mouth. You've got yourself some time before there's any real damage!:)

April said...

I'm so glad you have some sunshine!!