"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Friday, April 3, 2009

The One that Got Away...

While dealing with my typical Saturdays, I was cleaning and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Kaia, Kienna and Saryn had completed their chores (stripping their beds and dusting) and had asked if they could play outside.



"Because you're still in your pajamas"

"Okay, well, what if we get dressed?"

"Great idea....just please don't wake Jaymeson up while your changing."

Moments later, guess what I heard? That's right. Jaymeson crying. He somehow woke up at exactly the same time the girls were changing - total coincidence. So, as I'm dealing with Jaymeson, the girls all go outside and start playing in the backyard.

As Jaymeson is settling down, I heard SCREAMING. I know my girls screams pretty well by now. This was a blood curdling terrorized scream - but it was Kaia. I didn't fully panic. Jaymeson was almost asleep and if there was something REALLY wrong, Kienna would scream too.

As that thought crossed my mind, Kienna joined in and they were both screaming 'Mom' at the top of their lungs. I KNEW something was wrong. I was absolutely terrified as I threw Jaymeson down in the crib and RAN downstairs to make sure that I still had 3 living girls. Something was wrong....

Yep, apparently Saryn had only heard the "Because you're still in your Pajamas" part and assumed if she took them off that was all that was necessary. I just about had a fit - but of course, I had to take a few pictures first. My little 2-year-old (luckily it was only about 0 degrees this day), with nothing on but her diaper, managed to get her winter coat on (unzipped of course) and somehow find Kaia's sandals (because you can't wear normal shoes or boots without socks) and go outside thinking she had done exactly as Mommy had said.

Why Kaia and Kienna didn't think to walk inside and tell me that their sister wasn't quite dressed for the weather, I don't know. But I believe that they NOW know what the proper procedure might have been. They were just casually sliding down the slide when I came outside while screaming their heads off. I'm surprised that social services didn't come to follow up on that one.

Oh, and some quick Jaymeson pics.....


Alanna said...

Why quietly deal with something, when there's an excuse to scream your head off. I'm glad everything was okay! That little Saryn...she is a business!

Anonymous said...

Really??? This is supposed to be funny or entertaining? Your child going outside in the snow with nothing but an unzipped coat on? How do you find this entertaining? What kind of parent are you that instead of getting her inside you go inside, get a camera and take pictures so that you can blog about it... This is disgusting and you should be totally ashamed that you are not watching your kids enough that this happens. Perhaps it's time to stop having kids and take care of the ones that you have.

Alysha Sladek said...

i'm glad to know that my kids aren't the only ones that do those sort of things (both the no clothes outside and the screaming for a not so good reason) jaymeson is getting so big and i LOVE his cheeks. seriously i think i could squeeze them everytime i see him!

Hayley said...

He is so big! And so stinkin' cute! I need to see him soon!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous #1,

1. Get a life
2. Get a backbone
3. Get a hobby.
4. Get some therapy. A lot of anger issues apparently.

Ashley Smith said...

Wow anonymous 1 has issues. I like how whenever someone has crappy opinions they leave them anonymously. coward. I would have done the same thing. grabbed the camera. and I think it is HILARIOUS. She did exactly what she was told to do, you just need to be more specific lol. I don't think anonymous 1 has kids, and I am sure if they do their kids are perfect right.

Becky said...

Don't you love annonymous posters who like to criticize how everyone else lives their lives!
Your kids are cuties and I'm glad that they are all ok! (0:

Sheers said...

I'm so sorry you got left a nasty anonymous comment. I just don't understand the purpose of them. Does it make people feel great to tear others down? I know mean comments make you feel bad - but try and chalk it up to someone who has nothing better to do than blogstalk others.
I thought your post was cute - and SO typical of a 2 year old. I actually think it was quite clever of her to get shoes and a coat - hehe...but missed the other clothes.

Brittany said...

Oh Saryn! You have to give her props on being obedient at least. What a typical 2 years old! Ashley, obviously the anonymous person doesn't know you at all, you are a wonderful parent!

Mackenzie Richards said...

WOW Anon #1 needs to pay a visit to DR. Phil. They obviously DON'T have children. Because anyone wth children knows that this kind of stuff happens all the time, whether you're watching your kids or not. I thought it was hilarious. My Avery has gone out barefoot in the snow because she wanted to go see her dad, and she said 'shoes take too long'. I find that kids usually have a reason for doing something, and they are surprisingly practical. And Jaymeson is super cute, what a sweet little face!

whitney said...

HOLY COW! You have no idea who I am - I'm Lindsay Baldry's friend. And I have no idea who you are. But I could not not leave a comment after reading that down right nasty comment! Is this person serious? It is so bad that I want to believe it is a joke, because I just can't believe anyone could or would actually write that on a blog. And then go and hide behind the "anonymous" comment. You know full well that any one of us fellow bloggers would have been right there with the camera too.

Brandy said...

ashley... saryn is so funny... it's crazy the things that go through thier heads and how they make thier own logic. my kids are always trying to escape outside... it's so nice that the thaw is on and we can play outside again. i can't believe that the person above left such rude comments... what purpose does that accomplish? you are an amazing mother!

Kim Hughes said...

Ashley, my little Henry is barely mobile and I can already relate somewhat to this hilarious little story. I love how literal kids can be. Keep laughing at these funny moments. I imagine Sis. Hinkley would have done the exact same thing...and she's my hero!

Boooo to anonymous#1!