"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Monday, January 14, 2013


They say that the best way to start a journal is to start with today and back track later, so that's what I'll be doing...  Now, I realize that it's only 12:30 as I start this, but I really am wanting to start writing in my blog more often.  I'm thinking that my comments and status updates that I do so often in facebook should be transferred here so that I have a more permanent record.  I am just a little selfish and love to get all the comments on facebook that I miss out on in here.  I guess I'll just start doing this more faithfully and I might start getting more comments again.  (Note to all you blog stalkers that are too shy to leave a note... LEAVE a comment and you'll get more posts!)  Either way, here goes!  Blog posts daily, coming soon!!

It's been a good day.  Overall summary so far would go along the lines of:

Late sleep in (7:30ish).  Got up about an hour before the kids doing this.  Why are they sleeping in so much?!?

Cleaned up my room/bathroom

While making my bed, Benson woke up and climbed under the covers

Taught bathroom cleaning to Kaia so the girls can start maintaining their bathroom

Boys playing on our new air hockey table - a favorite! (and girls during their "recess")

Finished a Christmas Puzzle - and was missing one piece!

Did homeschooling - Kaia defiantly asking "What will I need to know about decimals in the future for?"
Girls playing barbies and ponies really nicely.  (This picture is of Saryn a couple days ago, but she just loves doing these games.  She makes up so many things and has an AWESOME imagination.  She even has songs that she's made up for them sometimes).

Oh, and the Gunny Sack came - and will be returning soon.  Fantastic reaction!!  Post on that to follow.


Anonymous said...

Comment #1: Glad to see you're up-and-at-'em before noon...

Brittany said...

Yay!! Posts! It is so fun to hear what is going on in your life! With pictures and everything! Love this!