"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Favorite Things...

Perhaps I'm a little bit too much like my Mother, or I'm becoming more like my Mother-in-Law, but I get SO excited about a good deal.  I just needed to let everyone know how AWESOME of a sale is going on in Children's Place right now!

I just got a years supply of clothes (would have been $435.75) for $118!!  Some of it wasn't even sale price (tights and socks) and I still saved almost $300!!  PLUS I won't have to buy any clothes for a year (especially since my mom also just came back from the states ;) )   Can't wait to enjoy the loot!!

Seriously - we're talking $45 outfits for $9.99; $5 headbands for .50; $15 shirts for $2.99; $17 hoodies for $3.99.  IT was AWESOME!!  You should go check it out!!


Alysha Sladek said...

did you see the sleepers for 2.99? i stocked up on those. they didn't have any of the other deals you're talking about when i went... maybe another trip is in order ;)

Susie said...

COngrats on the new house and the soon next phase of life. I LOVE a good deal too!

Laura Leavitt said...

I totally feel the same way. When I get good deals like that I am so excited it feels like Christmas. I never thought in my younger years that I would turn this way.

Delcia said...

I still beat you with my trip to Macy's in Montana with no tax!!
First receipt: Total- $103.72 Savings - $679.26
Second receipt: Total - $15.96 Savings - $115.02 (actually that was all stuff Brooklyn found for herself)
Third receipt: Total - $129.76 Savings - $346.22
Fourth receipt: Total - $ 91.89 Savings - $291.05

Now I'm thinking a trip to the states is a must every President's Day weekend. That was just in two hour stopovers on the way to and from Utah!! Very time pressured shopping! Now you just need to come get all that stuff out of my closet that I had just cleaned out!!! I think my days of saving it all for next Christmas are over!

Alanna said...

Still haven't got there...am I too late?