"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Monday, April 13, 2009

So We Can Be Ready For Sundae....

Recipe for our Ice Cream Sundaes


5 Bowls of Ice Cream

Chocolate Syrup

Bacon Bits
Gummy Bears
Hershey Kisses
Tomato Soup and
Reese Peanut Butter Bites


Gather together for Family Home Evening. Sing a song and say a prayer. Quote Exodus 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Discuss toppings of Sundaes. Chocolate, Butterscotch and various other things (you could do the whipped cream etc., we just used our Easter Candy to hurry it along). Bring other ones out. What about ketchup? Bacon bits? Tomato Soup? The kids answer "NO!!" "But you like those?" "Yeah, but not on a Sundae".
Once you go through all the toppings and the kids are excited about their Sundaes, talk about the Sabbath and how there are some good things to do during the week (e.g., Shopping, Swimming...) but they just aren't good to do on a Sunday!

Serve, Eat and Enjoy!!

Thank you Alanna for this wonderful idea. The kids really enjoyed this!


Ashley Smith said...

I was really worried there for a second about the ketchup and stuff. They look delish.

Alysha Sladek said...

great idea (and you get a yummy treat after) :)

Oler Family said...

What a cute idea! You know it's a good Sundae when you can't see the icecream!!

Just Rhonda said...

LOVE that idea! your girls and YOU look so cute in your pictures below. your mom did good on the dresses. seriously, those girls are gonna be heartbreakers.

Becky said...

That's awesome! I want to try! I am a bit worried that my girls will want the ketchup on their though!

Alanna said...

I'm glad that it went well Ashley! That you had no ketchup takers as I did! Ha Ha! That's a pretty impressive looking sundae...it's an internet picture, right?

Susie said...

yum love this idea. Some good treats & I can see myself doing some FHE

Heather said...

I think I'll try that! What a great idea.