"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It Made My Day.....

We've been having a nice, slow day around here. Jarett took Kaia to school and we all just relaxed this morning. We walked to pick Kaia and Mary Grace up from school and then we played on the playground. A quick lunch and then Kaia asked if we could watch the Sound of Music. I can't resist that movie. So we're now watching it. I popped some popcorn and we've been having fun together. But the best of all was Saryn coming up to me, giving me a big hug and saying,

"Mom, I love you all the time!"

How can you top that?


stone's eye view said...

That can't be topped. And of course I care about everything you have to say.

Oler Family said...

do ray me me so so ray fa fa la tea tea!!
I love that movie! I had 7 cabbage patch kids when I was little and they were named after each child on the sound of music!
That little Saryn is such a doll!

Alysha Sladek said...


so doh la fa me doh ray. so doh la ti doh ray doh.
LOVE that movie!

Laura Leavitt said...

that is the best.

Megan C said...

Honestly? Nothing can top hearing those words from your sweet little girl! Too bad they have to grow up!

Alanna said...

Makes it all worth it, doesn't it?
PS about the next blog...I think that you'll be willing to pull out the paint and playdough as Mr. Jaymeson gets older. You'll find that with boys it's less messy (or less expensive to repair) than many other things they'll do!

Suzy Hicks said...

So sweet, it makes you feel like what you do is really worth-while!

Hayley said...

Ash, I love you all the time too! Just so you know! (Even if it doesn't make you feel quite as good...)