"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Babes

So, I decided to do this with my kids. Some answers are bang on, some I have no idea why they would say that. Oh, and Kienna was pacing around the room for about half the questions and being silly. She thought that was awesome. She seems to have been thinking a lot about manners and writing. Kaia's answers (with the exception of the first) are pretty fair.

1. what is something mommy always says to you?
“Boop” (this is what a say when I put the vacuum away apparently) -Kaia
“Do nice words, and say please and thank you and eat your dinner and go to bed.” - Kienna

2. what makes mommy happy?
“Being good” - Kaia
“When we say please and thank you” –Kienna

3. what makes mommy sad?
“When we get hurt” – Kaia
“When I bounceded out of the cart” – Kienna

4. how does mommy make you laugh?
“By doing funny stuff and tickling us” – Kaia
“Tickling us when I laugh” - Kienna

5. what was mommy like as a child?
“Being a Child of God” – Kaia
“A child…” – Kienna (duh, why didn’t I think of that)

6. how old is mommy?
“25. Haha, I was going to say 21, but your 25.” – Kaia
“twenty……five” - Kienna

7. how tall is mommy?
“Oooh, that’s a hard one. Um, 6 pounds?” - Kaia
“6 pounds….(then after a reminder to say what she thinks)….27” - Kienna

8. what is mommy's favorite thing to do?
“Clean house” - Kaia
“Writing things” - Kienna

9. what does mommy do when you're not around?
“You are sad.” - Kaia
“Vacuum” – Kienna

10. if mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
“I don’t know…..” - Kaia
“Sunshine” - Kienna

11. what is mommy really good at?
“Falling asleep” – Kaia (I don’t know if this is good or bad)
“Writing a house” - Kienna

12. what is mommy not very good at?
“Carrying people when you have a baby in your tummy.” - Kaia
“Not writing on a house” - Kienna

13. what does mommy do for her job? "
“Cleaning” - Kaia
“Writing and cleaning” - Kienna

14. what is mommy's favourite food?
“Zucchini” - Kaia
“Dinner” - Kienna

15. what makes you proud of mommy?
“Giving us freezies” - Kienna
“When you give us treats and freezies” - Kienna

16. if mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
“Odette and Cinderella and Snow White” - Kaia
“A Doctor” - Kienna

17. what do you and mommy do together?
“Go out for a date (laughs) – that’s my favorite thing” - Kaia
“Playing” - Kienna

18. how are you and mommy the same?
“By playing with eachother and colouring the same.” - Kaia
“We say please and thank you.” - Kienna

19. how are you and mommy different?
“Not playing with eachother and not colouring the same.” – Kaia (interesting questions in a row)
“Giving people Apple Juice.” - Kienna

20. how do you know mommy loves you?
“By hugging and kissing me.” - Kaia
“Cuz’ you give us nice stuff.” - Kienna


Brandy said...

that's so funny... sounds like mackenzie and kienna are on similar wave lengths!

Marilee said...

What a cute idea. Wish I would have thought of doing this 20 years ago. Your girls sound darling.

Alysha Sladek said...

so cute.

April said...

What cute questions!!! And...you're having a BOY!! How fun! I'm tickled for you- Little boys are so much fun!

Alanna said...

Well Kaia sure got the favorite food spot on! That's hilarious!

Megan C said...

This was an AWESOME idea!! I'm going to go and ask my kids the same questions! I'm totally copying you!!