"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A facebook thought

I had a special moment watching Kaia want to express thanks to a friend.  She wrote up a letter, found some great quotes and has been begging me to make cookies to take over to her.  I was overwhelmed with gratitude for a daughter who truly cares for others.  I thought for a while about why I can't always feel this way and then I posted the following on facebook.  I really do believe this is true!

I think as a mom, we doubt ourselves, see our own weaknesses, see our kids troubles/weaknesses and blame ourselves so much that we really need to take a moment, step back and look at the incredible beings that they are becoming while struggling through life. I have found that when I focus on those moments, when I'm really proud of my kids, it makes me feel like I'm doing something that has made some sort of a difference. It makes me have hope, patience, and it wards off discouragement so much that I find it easier to stay calm through those more frustrating parts of motherhood. I'm pretty sure most mothers doubt themselves when they probably have a ton of other mothers looking up to them wondering how they keep it all together. We need to be less hard on ourselves!

1 comment:

Kamry Low said...

I appreciated this thought the day you posted. My stress is raising kids in the world today, and often get so down with my "mistakes" as a mom. Great thought.