"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Somewhat Busy Day

Yesterday started out simple enough, but as the day progressed, it got crazier and crazier.  By the end of the day, it went something like this:

7:15-7:30 - Wake up and get out of bed (yes, it takes me that long.... Jarett appreciates your sympathy)
7:30-8:10 - Get lunches made, breakfast for the kiddilinks, hair done for older girls, and send Kaia and Kienna out the door with Jarett to catch the bus.
8:10-9:00 - Feed Saryn, Jaymeson and Benson.  Clean up breakfast/lunch prep mess.  Fold 3 loads of laundry and haul them upstairs to put them away.
9:00 - YIKES - check the calendar and remember that I don't have a babysitter for my doctors appointment or rehearsal
9:00-9:30 - Try to call Mom, Mary & Bruce to find a babysitter.  No luck.
9:30-9:45 - Shower!!  Benson had a bottle in his mouth the entire time and we had a show on downstairs, so I managed to get a whole 15 minutes to do so.
9:45 - 10:30 - Get dressed, do hair/make-up, call Gran for her birthday, call Hayley for a little bit, find out that Mom can watch the kids (thank heaven) round up the kids, make a bottle for the road.
10:30-10:45 - Get message from Kaia's violin teacher saying she'd like to have the lesson today instead of tomorrow if possible.  Gather violin/music, piano music, 3 kids, purse, keys, cell phone and jump in the car.
10:45-11:15 - Drop kids off at Moms house and bolt to the doctor.
11:15-12:30 - Doctors appointment.  Why does it have to take so long?
12:30-1 - Run to Moms to get a bite to eat then run to Rehearsal with Gloria (opera singer).
1:00-2:30 - Run through songs and enjoy some improvement.
2:30-3:00 - Listen to Gloria talk about and play me her CD (she has put out a fabulous kids album in Spanish of all her own original songs.  If anyone is interested, let me know!)
3:00-3:45 - Run to the school, pick up the girls, go back to my moms to pick up Kienna and violin and breathe for about 10 minutes.
3:45-5:00 - Violin lessons and commuting time.
5:00-5:30 - Find Mom (who had taken kids to the park), pack up the kids and head home to start making dinner and put the kids to bed.
5:30-6:00 - Drive home, put millions of shoes/backpacks away and start to think about dinner.
6:00-7:30 - Find out I was grossly wrong in thinking the business was over with a phone call from Jarett saying that we have a showing at 8, clean like a mad woman for an hour and a half while giving my children (literally) a crust of bread until we can get them more dinner (ignoring comments about how I should've just cleaned it up this morning before I left).  Leave with half an hour to spare as the people show up half an hour early (thank heaven we pulled it off).
7:30-8:30 - Go to Little Caesars, then to the Community Center to eat and vote.  Of course, we forgot our memberships at home, so we had to wait for the showing to be done, go home, get them, go back, vote and then return home.
8:30-9:00 - Put kids to bed (brushing 5 sets of teeth, getting Jammies on and saying prayers).
9:00-10:00 - Enjoy a clean house and celebrate by watching "My Rona Home" online and cheering Team Ausmus on... then heading to bed, feeding the baby and praying for a good nights sleep.

Can I just say, "I love you Mom - I couldn't have done today without you."  I think she just earned (yet again) the best Mom in the World award!

And just for fun:  Enjoy some pictures from the night before - we had a picnic on the hill behind our house (and therefore had to have bathtime after)!

Star Gazing Saryn

All wanted to join in

My big girl.... she's just getting way to pretty these days.

Yep - Saryn posed and asked me to take this one...

Bath Boys

Best Buds in Striped Pajamas - post bath


Kamry Low said...

your schedule makes me want to stop having kids and to make them stay little so they have no schedule ha! Kidding i know it's worth it, but man it's busy! way to go!

Alysha Sladek said...

don't you just love how some days go. sheesh no wonder we're always so tired haha

Nikki (and Crew!) said...

Ah, your kids are so cute, supermom!

Alanna said...

Just another day in paradise!!!
Love those pictures...especially the bath ones!