"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tribute to a Super Dad

On 10/10/10, Jarett celebrated his 33rd birthday.  I like double numbers, so I was really excited.  Naturally, when you're excited about something, you go overboard and really celebrate right?  Yeah, that didn't happen.  The 9th was a Saturday and we were able to have a wonderful trip to the temple in Cardston without kids.  My parents watched the kids, took them to Calaway Park and then we met up at our house.  Since the 10th would be busy with my nephew, Tyrus' baptism, my parents stopped by DQ on the way home from Calaway and picked up this cake.

Kaia had decided that they should do a superman cake the second they woke up that morning.  Superman is a very celebrated figure around our house, mostly because of the pajamas that the boys got last year for Christmas...

and so "Super Dad" seemed just TOO fitting.

Jarett really is such a super Dad.  There's a song by the Proclaimers called, "Childhood" that Jarett introduced me to when we were dating.  I heard it just yesterday and started to cry because I know that I have that relationship with my Dad, but ALSO because Jarett is such a great Dad to his girls.  I know how much he loves them, and more importantly, I know THEY know how much he loves them.  What could be better?


Anonymous said...

Sigh... your kids' daddy must have a wonderful mother... Sigh...

Kimberly Anne said...

Happy Birthday to super dad!!! Cute cute. (Jarett's favorite adjective)

stone's eye view said...

Beside every good dad is a great mom!

Brittany said...

I hope Jarett and Jaymeson are getting good use out of those capes. :) Cute post Ashley. Happy Birthday Jarett!

Alysha Sladek said...

happy birthday jarett!!! sounds like it was a "super" day ;)

Alanna said...

Happy LATE birthday Jarett! LOVE that cake. DQ really does do it great!
And Ashley, it really does give me pleasure to know that you too can get those little thrills from numbers.

Beryl Shoekel said...

Congratulations Jarett!
What a SPECIAL FAMILY and I can also say that I have seen what a great dad you are.
You both are wonderful parents and your little children are very fortunate.
Just like a garden -- what you give when they are young you can harvest when they are grown.