"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Well, as I have been horrible at posting for the last - oh, 6 months - I have been told that starting with today is the best way... and since today is actually a pretty good sum up of what we've been busy doing, it's an even better way of starting the ball rolling again.  So, here goes:

Jarett is working late tonight - pretty typical these days.  CPLED (the bar course that has taken the place of the bar exam) is keeping him super busy.  It's supposed to take an extra 15 hours a week and, as he is kept busy with other things during work hours, he's been staying late to get his weekly assignment done.  He came home for FHE last night and then took off to finish some more after the kids were in bed.

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby #5.  I still have no idea if it's a boy or a girl, but today I took out some boy and girl baby clothes to be prepared either way.  I went to the doctor on Friday and found out that these contractions I've been having are making some progress, so hopefully we'll have our newest family member joining us soon.  Other than that, I've been chasing my 4 little sweethearts around and trying to keep up on the housework.  My older 2 leave at about 8am and get home at around 4pm.  My younger two keep me going and almost crazy the rest of the day...  wouldn't change it for the world (except maybe having the older 2 around more often).
36 weeks, 3 days

Kaia came home today with a lost voice... as she told me via note.
She's been busy at school and doing home reading, home work and violin practice when she gets home.  I can't believe the HUGE strides she's made in just over a month of lessons...  She's going to be pro!

Kienna has been making everyone squirm showing them her wiggly front teeth.  She lost one on Thursday right before the School Halloween Dance (at Kaia's violin lesson), and she came home today with the other one in a "tooth case" from school.  Apparently the animal crackers at recess were a help in the process...  So, we're looking forward to another visit from the tooth fairy tonight.

Perhaps the biggest change that has been happening is with Saryn and Jaymeson.  Today was the day that we went and picked up their glasses.  Yep, glasses.

Saryn has apparently been compensating for her bad sight by over-working her muscles.  Pretty typical for kids, but her left eye is so much worse than her right that it's already becoming weak.  Without glasses, she would've developed a lazy eye in the next year or so and then have to get it corrected only by surgery.  Apparently, her near sightedness is so bad in her right eye that she'd need glasses just for that, and that's her STRONG eye.  Her left eye is twice as bad.  She originally got the checked and they thought she would need glasses, but wanted to check it with some eye drops that freeze the muscles of the eye so she can't compensate before they gave the prescription.  Once they froze the muscles, the prescription almost doubled.  Poor little thing has been having a hard time seeing - and REALLY over-focusing for a while.  Hopefully the glasses do their job and fix her eyes in the next couple years like they're anticipating.

Jaymeson has the same deal going on as Saryn, only not quite as strong of a prescription... and both eyes are even.  Essentially he would be going cross-eyed soon because his eye muscles are getting so sore from how much he has to focus.  Because they're starting so young though, there's a fair bit of hope that all will be fixed in the next couple years - so hooray for that!

At least they look super cute... don't you think?!?  Today, we went to go visit Manya and walked around Sundance Lake.  As we walked in, he got SO excited when he saw some boats, that he just sat down on the sidewalk, completely satisfied to just watch a boat at the dock.  I really think that he was missing a lot without his glasses.  Poor thing.  So glad that his vision is improved now and that he can enjoy seeing all his many vehicles... anything from boats to trains.

Well, there it is - today's update!  Now maybe I can start giving little updates that I've missed like Halloween, Jaymeson and Jarett's birthdays and other such fun that we've had in the past month...


Alysha Sladek said...

they look so grown up with their glasses. super cute. good luck with #5 - hopefully he/she comes soon and all goes well. good luck!

Alanna said...

LOVE the glasses Ash. Jaymeson looks so sophisticated. And you look fabulous my dear. Hope that baby comes soon! (I know you want it too!)

Kimberly Anne said...

The glasses look SOOOO cute :) And you're looking super good too, Ash!!! I cannot wait for the new arrival!!! and I love Kaia's note. haha That's funny.

missLaura said...

the glasses are adorable. You are looking great too Ash!

Nikki (and Crew!) said...

Oh, J looks so grown up in his!

You're a superstar!

Brittany said...

Saryn and Jaymeson both look so sophisticated in their glasses. YOu are all looking great!

stone's eye view said...

I am partial to kids in glasses. Your two look so cute and Kienna with no front teeth is priceless!