"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Looking Cool.....

After 6 days of going through hip hop and break dancing instruction at their school, Kaia and Kienna had a "Dance Recital" to show what they had done.  Before the show, I asked them if they'd been liking it and how they do it.  They've been showing their moves and everything.  Kienna explained to me, "Mom, when you break dance or do hip hop, it really doesn't matter what you do, as long as you look super cool."  So, here they are.  You think they look cool?


Brittany said...

They look super cool! Got to love being put in the back row because of height... I know how that goes

Alanna said...

SOOO cool! What's up hip hop!?! Ha ha! Miss my girls!
But I have to say I think I'll stick to making them tutus before rapper hats! They backwards pale pink cap with a ruffly pink shirt was a perfect hip hop outfit for these gals (and whatever Kienna was wearing--couldn't see as well)

stone's eye view said...

Those girls can move!

Kimberly Anne said...

LOVE IT!!! Totally worked it girls :) They're just so gansta I can't even handle it. So proud of my little dancers!!

Hayley said...

Wow! What ever happened to line dancing and square dancing in elementary school? Somehow it makes me feel old that I missed the "hip hop unit" in elementary. They're looking good out there though!