"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Exciting News!!

We went to the Waterpark today and I totally had the cutest guy in the pool give me a kiss.  Check him out!!

(He actually leans over and says, "Mmmmm" until you kiss him.  
After you give him a kiss he says, "Tan Koo" (Thank you) and then does it again.)

of course, he was snuggling with some other girls too..... but who can blame him, those girls are pretty cute!

Of course, he has some serious competition....

We sure love the Waterpark!


Kimberly Anne said...

TOOOOOOOO cute!!! :) Oh my goodness what a stud!!

Hayley said...

Seriously a stud! These pictures are AWESOME Ash! They look like that should be in advertisements for west ed.! The kids are so cute and pictures are too!

Alanna said...

Ahhh! Love little Jay... I want to kiss that wrinkly foot too!

Beryl Shoekel said...

These pictures are adorable, couldn't agree more about getting a kiss from the CUTEST guy in the pool.
Gran and Aunty Beryl

Delcia said...

So cute!!! I definitely need to come for a visit!!! I want some of those kisses!