"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Friday, January 9, 2009


Trying to sum up a week in California with one post is NOT going to be easy. We had SUCH a blast. It was just WONDERFUL. Anyway, here's my attempt.

"C"inderella's Castle
We could not pass the castle without my girls getting giddy. Even while we were on other rides, they were just telling me that they could still see the Castle. In fact, the main thing that they were excited about going to Disneyland for was to see a real castle…

And can you blame them? It was breathtaking. Saryn couldn’t even look at the camera she was so taken with the castle.


We often tease my mom about how hard it is to keep up with her on vacations. It's just GO GO GO and then GO some more. We've always said that we could split our family in half. My mom could lead the troops and my Dad (which is where I would follow) would go down to the beach and relax for a week. They have very different opinions on how a vacation should be. Little did I know, I married someone like my mom. Jarett had us up at 5 every morning to get out by 6 and on the road. It was non-stop, but it was SO worth it. What a great trip!

"L"ittle Princesses

We had the opportunity to take our Little Princesses to a Princess Fare. They attended an official Coronation Ceremony where they were crowned ‘Honorary Princess for a day”. They danced with Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, walked around a Maypole and made princess crowns.

"I"t's a Tea Party

The Girls sure couldn't get enough of Alice in Wonderland's Teacups. Saryn especially asked to go on the teacups about 100 times. It was her favorite ride. Of course, the pink one was the best...

We had SO many great memories made as a family. That's what every vacation is about, right?

"O"ut Cold!
After these kind of days....everyone needed a little break, but the little ones were able to find a place to rest - and BOY were they OUT COLD!!

"R"esort Resting and Relaxing

ot dealing with -40 degrees in Canada!!

"I"t's a Small World

Now, most people skip over this ride saying its lame, but my girls were in HIGH HEAVEN. What little girl wouldn't love dancing dolls dressed up in costumes from all over the world decorated with snowflakes and Santa and all things Christmas? It sure was awesome. We have SO many pictures from this ride, because they had such priceless expressions. Even Jaymeson was just looking around and checking everything out.

"A" Surprise Party

Because we were going to be travelling home on my birthday, my mom threw a surprise birthday party for me. Thanks Mom. This was a much better celebration than on the snow covered roads for hours and hours....


Susie said...

Looks like a ton of fun. After Disneyland you need another week vacation eh?! Looks like your girls were in heaven. And I think you keep posting more pics wishing you were there and not back to this freezing freezer. ok i might be jealous!

Cindy Anderton said...

That is the vacation i can't wait to take with my kids

Marilee said...

It's a small world is a must . That might be the only ride that hasn't changed in 40 years. Peter Pan s still my favorite!!!!

Alanna said...

Oh, good times, good times! Ummm...thinking that I'm not so crazy about the picture of you and me and Dad in front of the roller coaster...you can tell we had to be out of the house by 6am!
And I welcome Jarett with even greater open arms, being a follower of Mom's vacation style!

Melanie said...

that sounds wonderful - I cannot imagine how exhausting it all would have been with the baby though. Everyone looks like they had a great time!

Alysha Sladek said...

what a fun trip. i'd love to go there during christmas. it looks gorgeous!

Alysha Sladek said...
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Becky said...

Amazing! I love Disneyland and it looked so amazing! We will have to go there at Christmas-time. I am glad you guys got there safe and had a blast and got home safe, too! And I hope you had a good birthday!

ZogLady said...

Oh my goodness! What fun!!! I love that they were able to dance with the princessess!!! <3