I have been seeing this on a few of my friends blogs and thought it was a fun idea so here goes....
What are your Full Names?
Jarett Fister Cahoon (yes, seriously)
Ashley Dawn Mullen Cahoon
How long have you been Married?
Just over 6 years (December 22, 2001)
How long did you date?
We dated for 9 months before we got engaged, then four months engagement.
How old are you both?
Jarett is 30 and I'm 25
Who eats more?
I really hope Jarett.....although on my best day, I'm sure I could keep up.
Who said I love you First?
I did if I remember right. I might have just told him that I'd be ready to say it. But I brought it up first.
Who is Taller?
Jarett - by about 5 inches.
Who sings better?
Although I have more training, Jarett, hands down.
Who is smarter?
Depends on what. Jarett's smarter in history and math and stuff. We're about tied in English and I'm better in sciences and health stuff.
Who's Temper is worse?
Jarett's, although I can put up a good fight when I feel is needed.....and when I'm pregnant we're about even.
Who does the Laundry?
Me 100%
Who does the dishes?
If Jarett's home, he does them. He's really good that way. He's just home so rarely now, that I usually do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Looking at it? or lying on it? He's on the right hand side when you're looking at the bed from the foot of it.....he likes to be closer to the door to protect me. That's what he says.
Who pays the bills?
He supplies the money (in theory) and I physically pay them.
Who mows the lawn?
He does, but I'd do it if needed.
Who cooks?
Same as the dishes, if he's home, he usually does. . . .
Who drives when you are together?
Who is the first to admit they were wrong?
I don't think we're ever wrong. We both argue our points and agree to disagree.....but if a cave in is necessary, he does it. If we have differing opinions, but I don't care enough......I just don't let a fight start, it's not worth it.
Who parents do you see the most?
Mine, with Jarett's at a very close second. Mine just come and visit more, but since they live about 5 minutes apart, it's pretty close.
Who proposed?
Jarett did. It was crazy. He totally wasn't planning on doing it that day, so without preparations, he had to do improv...... So needless to say, it wasn't smooth, but it was more special that way, I think.
Who has more friends?
Um, I don't know. He knows a ton of people at school, but I probably get to do more with my friends.
Who has more sibilings?
I do. I have 5 sisters, he has 4. (you might notice that he's the only boy in the mix and we're carrying on the tradition)
Who wears the pants?
It depends on what we're dealing with. I do think, for the most part, Jarett gets the final say, but he'd never do something that I've flat out said no to.
Hehe, this has been fun. You guys should try it.
holy cow! look at you go on here
anonymous must be so impressed
nice! and i love the post before this too. Fun stuff. you're on a roll for blogging - wow!
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