"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

10 hours.....

Sachie's blog just said 1 thousand, 1 hundred and 57 days since she had to deal with a child throwing up. My guess is that I've had about 10 hours - 24 hours of a break since I got home in January. Yes, it has happened again. On Thursday, it was Saryn until Kienna on Saturday and then me on Sunday and Jarett Monday......then Kaia last night - which is really sad because we had to cancel her birthday party and everything. It was super sad. Oh man, I can't wait until this month is over.....I'm pretty sure it's totally cursed........ Anyway, here's a picture I took of Kienna on Saturday. She had complained of a tummy ache all day (but that's not really out of the norm) and then as I went into the kitchen to make dinner, I turned around to see that she had followed me in, layed down on the floor and fallen asleep in about 30 seconds. I took a picture seeing that this was super cute and then woke her up. I relearned my lesson "Never wake a sleeping child". She looked at me and threw up all over me....about 5 times in a row. It was SO lovely. (Oh, and to top it all off, I had spent the entire day on my hands and knees scrubbing the floors to make them really clean right before she did this.) Sigh. The joys of motherhood are upon me.


Anonymous said...

sooo sad when little kiddies are sick, i hope you are all feeling better soon, and i hope you are aswell, it always suck more when everyone is sick INCLUDING yourself

Jolanda said...

I hate it when kids are sick, I just hate to see them suffer.
Sorry we didn't end up getting together, we all got sick the last week before we left and things got crazy! We were in the hospital with Taylor from Croup, he kept throwing up etc etc... top it off with pink eye and ear infections... Maybe next time we will get together?? : )

Susie said...

ewwww that is awful. So sad for little kids and for moms too. HOpe your whole family is better!

ZogLady said...

Aww man! She looks so ill in this photo.... And I'm sorry to hear that she tossed all over you! No fun! I hope everyone is getting better!