"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ironman to get Iron Man

Tonight, it was time for bed and Benson "went missing".  I decided to ignore him this time around and just focus on the baby and Jaymeson for a few minutes.  When I turned around, however, he was holding Jarett's "Iron Man" costume and was trying to put it on. 

"Benson, you need to get your Jammies on, not the costume."
"But I want to wear it"
"Not tonight buddy. Sorry."
"But it was so hard to get!"
"Sorry bud, but I don't want you to wear it... that's why I put it up high up in my closet."
"But I had to climb up your dresser to get it."
"BUDDY!  Don't climb up my dresser!!  That's dangerous!"
"But if I don't climb your dresser, how can I get the costume?"
"I don't want you to get the costume, that's why I put it up high."
"But I want to wear it, Mom."
"Okay dude, go get ready for bed and then you can wear it in the morning."

Why is it that I feel like I ran a full Iron Man after trying to reason with this boy??  And why does he try to do a full Iron Man just to get a superhero costume?  This kid just kills me - he's so funny!

1 comment:

Alanna said...

Ha ha! It's hard to raise a super hero! Tanner (and Carson quite a bit) is SOOOO into superman and batman, etc. these days. They'll have a blast this summer.