"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Today and a bit of yesterday!

It's only 11am, but I've already enjoyed today so much that I'm going to post about it.

Today my kids all slept in until 8!!  I was able to read scriptures and get motivated before I got overwhelmed today.  It was fabulous!  I got all the beds made, got the kids dressed, ate breakfast with them and then proceeded with my "plan".

I got the girls going on their math after breakfast and I took the boys out in the stroller and went rollerblading for the first time in YEARS!  Man, I could feel that one.  Those little tiny slopes look a lot more like mountains when you're rollerblading up them pushing over 100 pounds in a stroller.  It felt good to get out though.  I'm hoping to really push myself to do that more.  I think that I need to move a lot more!!  I have also made a goal to lose 30 lbs before I turn 30.  Eating better on top of this exercise is my plan!!

Kienna finished her whole math book today.  Kaia finished a whole unit and a unit test and Saryn's pushing her way through the Grade 1 curriculum even though she's only in Kindergarten.  Her subtraction and addition up to 20 is amazing.  She did 5 pages of problems today with only two mistakes.  Jaymeson is getting into it too and knows his numbers crazy well!  On top of math, the kids are doing great writing and Kaia actually did her PAT (Story Writing) yesterday and did a great job!  Science is going to be our "project" in June once I move and can make a mess again.  And Social is a blast with the other families.  We're reading Story of the World and the kids LOVE it.  Scratch that... I LOVE IT!  I've learned more this year about the world than I did growing up.  Probably because I'm paying attention this go round, but either way, I'm loving it!

Benson has been walking more than crawling this past week (FINALLY) and was having so much fun today dancing with Jaymeson to our piano's "demo song" which we have called "Candyland" (thanks to Sachie).  We got all the girls down for "recess" and we were all dancing and having a blast.

Cello practice has been done and violin will be done shortly.  Ahhh, I love being productive.  I took today off of packing and decided to focus my energy on other things... boy has it paid off!

Yesterday, we had a "fun" moment.  Just wanted to share.  Our Sequoia is at the dealership getting tuned up, so they were really generous and covered our rental car while they worked on it.  Jarett brought it home for me to use so that I could still do my errands etc.  I got up, excited to drive the new car, got the van packed up with all my errands (which included all our bottles & cans, a roll of batting and other "small" things like that).  Told the kids to get in so we could take Kaia over to get her exam done and realized that someone forgot to move over the car seats.  Kinda makes the van useless to me...  So, my mom came and picked Kaia up.  Meanwhile, I looked for a place to leave Benson so I could still do the errands and luckily the first place I called was Kristy Stanford who just happened to have a spare car seat in his size.  Done!!  I was able to get a bunch done yesterday morning and then came home and packed up all the clothes in the house.  It's starting to hit me that we're really moving.  Sigh.  Mixed feelings there.  Either way, I've loved today.  Much less stressful!!


stone's eye view said...

Love days like this!!

Alanna said...

Hooray for productive days! They really are better than sleeping in. In fact, my definition of a great day is the couple of times where I've been so productive and then I talk to someone on the phone who tells me that they've had a great morning cuz they just woke up (ie they got to sleep in)... and I sincerely feel sorry for them. That's when I know it's been a great day so far!